Animal Management

Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein

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Deze opleiding

typeregulier, 240 EC
start1 september
taalvolledig Dutch
opleidingsduur4 jaar voltijd

Waarom aan de Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences?


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specialisatie Animal Assisted Therapy

Our specialisation in Animal Assisted Therapy teaches you how to successfully combine therapy animals, people and various aspects of health management.

Animals are often used for therapeutic purposes, which has proven to be very effective for the patients. The programme includes courses in psychology, management and animal behaviour together with specialist knowledge of the animals that are most frequently used in healthcare. With a degree in Animal Management and a specialisation in Animal Assisted Therapy, you can manage a rehabilitation centre or a therapy farm. You can assist a therapist in choosing and buying the right type of animal, for instance a suitable horse or a cat. These are important choices as patients often include children and elderly and disabled people. You can also work as a coordinator of healthcare teams visiting hospitals with therapy dogs, or ensure that the welfare of therapy animals is guaranteed. It takes special skills and knowledge to manage the use and treatment of therapy animals and at the same time ensure their wellbeing. If you are interested in working with dogs, cats, horses, dolphins and even chickens as therapy animals, then this specialisation should be your first choice!

specialisatie Animals and Society

By specialising in Animals and Society, you will learn how to analyse the relationships between people and animals and determine which interests need to be protected and how.

People and animals have always lived side by side and interacted with each other, but their relationships have not always been symbiotic. The interests of animals and the human society often differ, and it is a real balancing act to weigh up the needs of humans against those of animals. Think of discussions about wild boars destroying crops or the ways people treat their pets. The protection of both animals and humans starts with education and communication, but you also need laws, facilities and money. As an expert in Animals and Society, you will be able to determine the objectives that need to be achieved and the best ways to achieve them. You work for municipalities, animal and nature conservation organisations, petting zoos, zoos or animal shelters. You design folders and websites, plan campaigns, organise events, analyse problems, think of solutions or do research. As you can tell, animals play a more significant role in our society than we may think, and it is very important that their needs and rights be recognised.

specialisatie Companion Animals and Business

The specialisation in Companion Animals and Business focuses on the relationship between the pet and the owner.

Have you ever wondered why companion animals are so important to their owners and vice-versa? It is a fact that the relationship between people and their pet has a beneficial effect on both the owner's and the pet's physical and mental health. If you are interested in the needs of companion animals and those of their owners, then the Companion Animals and Business specialisation is the perfect fit for you. You will learn about the latest research results and trends in the field of companion animal needs, on the basis of which new products and services can be developed. Managing these needs requires expert knowledge of companion animals along with business administration skills and competences. You can work as a companion animal specialist at large-scale animal feed companies and pharmaceutical enterprises, or at specialist pet shops and animal clinics. A lot of companies are active in the companion animal sector, and many of them think innovatively. With your specialist knowledge of the latest trends, you can contribute to innovative and sustainable products and services on the companion animal market.

specialisatie Wildlife Management

The specialisation in Wildlife Management teaches you how to strike a balance between the needs of wild animals and the needs of people.

As an expert in wildlife management, you will know how to establish that balance by acting as an intermediary between humans and animals. The specialisation prepares you for a career in managing animal populations, either in their natural habitat (in situ) or in breeding centres and zoos (ex situ). Wildlife managers possess a broad mix of skills and knowledge, ranging from ecology, population biology and nature conservation to project management, organisation techniques and GIS (Geographical Information Systems). The main focus of Wildlife Management is on animals as part of the ecosystem they inhabit. You learn how to mediate the interests of humans, animals and nature while taking into account factors such as welfare, ethics, conservation and legislation. The programme presents you with the basic ecological and socio-economic principles that underlie any type of natural resource management, which makes the knowledge you gain applicable to any international situation. Apart from wildlife-related knowledge, our graduates also gain a practical understanding of human psychology and society. You will be trained in managing biodiversity and develop and implement nature-management plans, often in an international and intercultural setting.

specialisatie Horse and Management

From having a horse as a hobby to a career in horse management. By choosing our unique specialisation in Horse and Management, you will make the first step into the professional equine world.

Due to the significant growth of the horse sector in recent years, the range of possible equine careers has expanded significantly. If you are a horse fan and would like to turn your hobby into your work, then you have come to the right place. Within the multifaceted horse industry you can work as a manager of a riding school, organise a horse-jumping competition or take on a coordinating role at a horse clinic. If you are interested in the behaviour of horses, you can also immerse yourself into research. By specialising in Horse and Management, you will acquire specialist skills, competences and practical experience that will help you find a job in the equestrian sector!

specialisatie Animal Testing

The specialisation in Animal Testing revolves around the use and wellbeing of laboratory animals.

In the Netherlands, animals used in research are well-protected by law. Tests and experiments performed on laboratory animals are sometimes necessary for biomedical and scientific research. We cannot change that, but the least we can do is guarantee the welfare of animals used for testing purposes and prevent mistreatment. In order to achieve this, only specialists with the required qualifications and education are allowed to work with these animals. This requirement is laid down by the Dutch Experiments on Animals Act. With our specialisation in Animal Testing, you can acquire the qualification as specified by Article 12 of this Act. As a graduate you work on improving animal welfare, conduct complicated surgeries on animals, provide intensive care and strive to implement alternative methods and solutions. You can work at an institute working with animals used in research and as a policy maker at governmental organisations. If you are ready to take on this challenge and contribute to greater wellbeing of laboratory animals, then the specialisation in Animal Testing will fit you like a glove!


taal van onderwijs100% nl
case study, computer exercise, excursion, group assignment, group discussion, individual assignment, integration module, internship, laboratory work, lecture, literature study, research, research project, research proposal, oral presentation, portfolio, poster presentation, practicum, project, self evaluation, self study, tutorial, working group, workshop
instruction modes
bindend studieadvies
  • minimaal 46 EC in de eerste 12 maanden

Toelating en kosten

toelaatbare profielen
havo N&Ttoelaatbaar
havo N&Gtoelaatbaar
havo E&Mmet biologie
vwo N&Ttoelaatbaar
vwo N&Gtoelaatbaar
vwo E&Mmet biologie
vwo C&Mmet biologie
MBO niveau 4Studenten met een mbo-diploma niveau 4 zijn toelaatbaar. Voor een goede kans op slagen zijn de vakken Nederlands, Engels, wiskunde A en biologie op havo-eindexamenniveau en/of een mbo-dier opleiding ten zeerste aanbevolen.

Na de studie

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aansluitende masteropleidingen

Wageningen UniversityAnimal Sciences+ aanv. eisen
Wageningen UniversityAquaculture and Marine Resource Management+ aanv. eisen
Wageningen UniversityCommunication, Health and Life Sciences+ 30 EC pre-master
Wageningen UniversityDevelopment and Rural Innovation+ aanv. eisen
Wageningen UniversityForest and Nature Conservation+ aanv. eisen
Wageningen UniversityGeo-information Science+ aanv. eisen

Potentiƫle beroepen

bedrijfsvoorlichter agrarische bedrijfsvoering
beleidsmedewerker agrarische zaken
keurmeester paardenstamboek
keurmeester rundveestamboek
kwaliteitsmanager agrarische producten
bron: UWV


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T: +31 (0)26-3695566
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