Business Development and Entrepreneurship

Universiteit Utrecht

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Deze opleiding

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diplomamsc M International Economics and Business
start1 september
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur12 maanden voltijd
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We need leaders who can recognize and develop winning innovative solutions and implement them in new and existing businesses.

This Master's programme gives you the practical abilities, networks, and strong academic foundations you need to promote entrepreneurship in new businesses and existing organisations alike. In the Master in Business Development and Entrepreneurship you focus on:

  • Boosting entrepreneurial behavior and formulating strategy, both in the context of new ventures, as well as existing organizations; Applying rigorous scientific methods in your own academic research as well as in consulting projects with real companies;
  • Developing and validating new venture ideas and business propositions;
  • Creating the right ecosystem environment for new ventures and innovative businesses to thrive in;
  • Applying entrepreneurial marketing methods, such as co-creation with customers and design thinking;
  • Planning how to finance new ventures, innovation and business development projects.


taal van onderwijs100% en
case study, group discussion, individual assignment, lecture, oral presentation, project, research, research project, self study, seminar, tutorial, working group
instruction modes

This Master’s programme prepares professionals for the exciting and fast-paced world of business development and entrepreneurship. It combines the rigour of an economics education with the relevance of providing the knowledge and skills for new business development. The variation in class settings encourages close interaction between you, your peers, and your professors and lecturers in this highly international programme. 


As a graduate of this Master’s your focus is on the interaction between innovation, entrepreneurship, and the development of (new) business. You have a clear understanding of the importance of fostering new ventures in creating new markets and new value for organisations, individuals and society. Your broad training in the economic, financial, analytical and strategic aspects of business development, combined with your excellent professional, social and communication skills enable you to flexibly adjust to and effectively operate in any new working environment in many different fields and organisations. You’re comfortable working in multidisciplinary teams which is a career asset - in the real world most projects are performed in multidisciplinary teams, so you have strongly benefited from the multidisciplinary approach taken in this Master’s programme. You are practically oriented, but you draw on a firm basis in the theory of economics and business in order to deliver excellent results for your organisation.


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2/5 Utrecht University
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3/5 Utrecht University
Business Development and Entrepreneurship
€ 336 gemiddelde kamerhuur
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4/5 Utrecht University
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NAN% vrouw
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disclaimer: bovenstaande cijfers en beoordelingen zijn aangeleverd door de opleidingen zelf. Wij kunnen de juistheid niet garanderen.

Na de studie

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Beroepsperspectief / arbeidsmarkt

In the past three decades, most large corporations have been shrinking. Many of them have outsourced a substantial part of their employment to other countries, often outside of Europe. Strong employment numbers in developed economies come largely from new, fast growing companies with an agile and entrepreneurial approach. These companies demand different skills, knowledge and mindsets from their employees than in the old hierarchical environment of business. And increasingly ambitious, young professionals are self-employed, launching their own entrepreneurial businesses.

aansluitende masteropleidingen

Utrecht UniversityLeraar VHO algemene economie full-time,part-time educational+ aanv. eisen

Potentiële beroepen

beleidsmedewerker economische zaken
business development manager
commercieel directeur
commissaris nv, bv
economisch adviseur
financieel directeur
hoofd economische zaken
hoogleraar economie
sales- en marketingmanager
universitair (hoofd)docent economie
wetenschappelijk onderzoeker economie
bron: UWV