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diplomamsc M Biobased Sciences
start1 september
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur2 jaar voltijd
numerus fixusnee
The masterprogramme Biobased Sciences teaches interdisciplinary design of biobased production chains including biomass production, bioconversion, biorefinery and societal, logistic and economic transition processes. Thus, technical, economic, social and environmental aspects are integrated to come to a transition to a biobased and circular economy.


taal van onderwijs100% en
case study, computer exercise, group assignment, group discussion, individual assignment, lecture, literature study, oral presentation, practicum, project, research, research project, self study, seminar, working group
instruction modes

In the first year, students start by following courses linked to their own interest and specialisation. They specialize in either biomass production, biorefinery or circular economy. At the end of the first year, they work out a multidisciplinary project that is linked to a  biobased question or challenge. During the second year, students perform two research and/or design project, one thesis and an internship.


After successful completion of this MSc programme graduates are expected to be able to:

- understand basic concepts in biobased disciplines;

- apply advanced knowledge of one of the biobased disciplines: biomass production and carbon capture, biorefinery and conversion, or biobased and circular economy;

- design a new biobased concept, research, product, or process within an international or global context that meets the objectives and demands of an interested party, and judge to what extent a petrochemical application can be replaced by biobased technology;

- cooperate in an interdisciplinary team;;

- assess technological, ethical, societal, and economic consequences of changes in the design of a biobased concept, product, or production process;

- create additional value by combining biobased disciplines;

- demonstrate an academic attitude;

- communicate verbally and in writing about the results of learning, experiments, and project work;

- reflect upon personal knowledge, skills, attitudes, and functioning;

- develop a research plan, in which research question, hypothesis, (experimental) set-up and data analysis are described in relation to relevant literature;

Na de studie

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Beroepsperspectief / arbeidsmarkt

Students are trained to work in a multi- and interdisciplinary team in a biobased research and development environment as a scientist, process engineer or manager. Graduates will have careers in the agrifood business, water companies, energy producers, logistics, governmental and non-governmental organisations.