Deze opleiding

In this master program you will investigate the contemporary transformation of governance, sovereignty, territory and identity within border areas that are in some way connected to Europe.

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typeregulier, 60 EC
start1 september
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur12 maanden voltijd
numerus fixusnee
The European Union aims to foster peace and prosperity among the peoples of Europe by promoting a community with open borders while also wishing to preserve diversity and ensuring that decisions are taken as close as possible to citizens. It has become an intense topic of interesting and stimulating geopolitical debate how the goals of the EU should be valued, understood, and what the proper future of Europe should be. Why do we wish to have a European Union and in what form? How do EU policies affect our daily lives, our national identity and our national borders? And how do EU policies affect people outside the Union?

The Master's specialisation in Europe: Borders, Identity and Governance aims to increase your understanding of the value and workings of the EU within the social and geopolitical developments both in Europe and in Europe's relation to rest of the world. You'll come to understand cross-border governance and how economic, cultural and political power works across borders.

The Master's in Europe: Borders Identity and Governance is a specialisation of the Master's programme in Human Geography.

Waarom aan de Radboud University Nijmegen?

awardElsevier beste opleiding
We see borders as much more than physical, national and demographical lines. Although the foundation of this specialisation is sociological and geographical, our approach to this theme is highly multidisciplinary to include related fields as European Studies, Political Science, Conflict Management and Spatial Planning. Our department is also closely involved with the Journal of Border Studies, a leading forum for borderlands research.


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opbouwEurope: Borders, Identities and Governance is a specialisation of the one-year Master's programme in Human Geography, with a total course load of 60 EC. All courses are 6 EC and the Master's thesis with a possible internship has a course load of 24 EC.
The first semester starts off with courses fitting your specialisation as well as some electives. The second semester consists of specialisation course and the Master thesis.
Geopolitics of Borders
6 EC
Multiculturalism, Diversity and Space
6 EC
Elective course(s) keuzevak
12 EC
Preparing the Master's Thesis onderzoek
6 EC
Master's Thesis in Europe: Borders, Identities, and Governance afstuderen
24 EC
Cross Border Governance
6 EC


taal van onderwijs100% en
case study, computer exercise, computer modeling, design project, excursion, gaming, group assignment, group discussion, individual assignment, integration module, internship, lecture, literature study, research, research project, research proposal, oral presentation, portfolio, practicum, project, self evaluation, self study, seminar, tutorial, working group, workshop

Toelating en kosten


In order to get admission to this Master's you will need a completed Bachelor's degree from a geography related discipline, such as Urban/Spatial Planning, Environmental Studies, Sociology, Anthropology, etc.

Unless the requirements at are met, a language test is required:
A TOEFL score of ≥90, with subscores not lower than 18;
A IELTS score of ≥6.5, with subscores not lower than 6.0;
Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE) or Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) with a mark of C or higher.

inbegrepen in collegegeld
registration fee

De stad


Mundus is de studievereniging voor studenten Geografie, Planologie en Milieu in Nijmegen. Je kunt vanwege het economische voordeel van de boekenkorting lid worden van Mundus, maar onze vereniging heeft nog veel meer te bieden.
Onze enthousiaste actieve leden dragen bij aan de organisatie van diverse leuke activiteiten voor alle Mundusleden en andere geïnteresseerden. Je staat vrij om zelf dingen te organiseren of eraan mee te doen.

Regelmatig organiseren wij lezingen op onverwachte locaties in Nederland, excursies naar leuke steden of gewoon een dagje 'even helemaal weg'. Ook is er natuurlijk de jaarlijkse buitenlandse Mundusreis, die altijd een goede mix is van vakinhoudelijkheid, vakantiegevoel en veel lol.

Maar Mundus doet nog meer. Tijdens onze contactdag kom je, als voorbereiding op het toekomstige werkveld, in contact met sociaal geografen, planologen en millieukundigen uit de beroepspraktijk. Daarnaast is er de nu al legendarische Borrelende Kennis Quiz, waarbij studenten en docenten van de sectie het opnemen tegen andere teams van GPM. Naast studiegerelateerde activiteiten brengt Mundus natuurlijk ook ontspanning door feesten, borrels of een barbecue, waardoor je je medestudenten op een andere manier leert kennen. Elk jaar organiseert Mundus het Nationaal Geografisch en Planologisch Symposium, in samenwerking met andere studieverenigingen uit Amsterdam, Utrecht, Groningen en Wageningen. Wil je meer weten over Mundus? Wil je lid worden of zelf iets organiseren? Dan ben je van harte welkom in de pauze, elke middag tussen 12.30 uur en 13.30 uur, op onze kamer in de Thomas van Aquinostraat 5.0.04.

aan het woord: studenten en docenten

afgestudeerd in 2011 werkzaam als Researcher bij Radboud University
'I realised that I have always been a geographer at heart'

I chose Radboud University because its Master's programme in Human Geography is flexible, which has allowed me to take courses that I consider convenient for my thesis research even though they belong to other specialisations. Although my programme concentrates on Europe: Borders, Identities and Governance, my research project also encompasses topics like conflict resolution and multiculturalism, which I have been able to study thanks to the programme's lack of rigidity.


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1/7 Radboud University Nijmegen
Borders, Identities and Governance
star Elsevier
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
8 eerstejaars
50% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
2/7 Radboud University Nijmegen
Globalisation, Migration and Development
star Elsevier
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
8 eerstejaars
50% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
3/7 Radboud University Nijmegen
Urban and Cultural Geography
star Elsevier
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
8 eerstejaars
50% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
4/7 Radboud University Nijmegen
Human geography
star Elsevier
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
8 eerstejaars
50% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
5/7 Radboud University Nijmegen
New Economic Geographies, Ecologies and Business Innovation
star Elsevier
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
8 eerstejaars
50% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
6/7 Radboud University Nijmegen
Cultural Geography and Tourism
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
8 eerstejaars
50% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
7/7 Radboud University Nijmegen
Conflicts, Territories and Identities
star Elsevier
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
8 eerstejaars
50% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
disclaimer: bovenstaande cijfers en beoordelingen zijn aangeleverd door de opleidingen zelf. Wij kunnen de juistheid niet garanderen.

Na de studie

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The Master's specialisation in Europe: Borders, Identities and Governance provides graduates entry into rapidly growing sectors of the job market, be it government, business or academia. Graduates will be able to apply the scientific insights and practical skills acquired to topics as varied as Europeanization, internationalisation, borders, identities, cross-border governance and international cooperation and politics.

Beroepsperspectief / arbeidsmarkt

With expertise gained during this Master's, a graduate can be employed in a wide range of jobs, both in and outside the Netherlands.
For example:
  • Expert for a local, provincial, or national (e.g. Foreign Affairs section) government, sharing expertise in and delivering advice on cross-border cooperation, international mobility, the attraction of international firms and investments, or the acquisition of European Union funds.
  • Consultant at a consultancy firm, helping to promote the internationalisation of a city or region, or assisting regional and city governments in obtaining and managing EU-funded projects.
  • Programme officer for a European organisation, the European parliament, European Commission or related institutions.
  • International/European affairs expert in the private sector.
  • Academic researcher at a university or research institute that focuses on European issues.
  • Geography teacher in secondary, tertiary or vocational education.

aansluitende masteropleidingen

Utrecht UniversityLeraar VHO aardrijkskunde full-time,part-time educationalgeen aanvullende eisen


T: 024-3612345
Drs. Jackie van de Walle


Meer informatie?
Bezoek de website van deze opleiding.

open_in_newstudy website