Deze opleiding

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diplomamsc M Child Development and Education (research master)
start1 september
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur2 jaar voltijd
numerus fixusnee
The Research Master's in Child Development and Education is an intensive, selective two-year programme that trains students to become researchers in the field of parenting, education and child development.

The Research Master's programme trains students to do research into the nature, development and explanation of children's attributes. While topics vary, they share the bioecological model as a common theoretical framework. Students conduct two projects to apply the knowledge and technical skills that they will acquire throughout the programme. After the programme, students are qualified for research positions in fundamental or applied research.

The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Amsterdam has a strong tradition in empirical research and in connecting the teaching with the practice of research. In learning to develop their research skills, students will benefit from the department's extensive experimental research facilities, among which video-monitored observation rooms, a baby lab and an ERP research lab equipped with facilities for taking electro-physiological measurements. Students may also participate in observational and interventional research in families or classrooms, in large-scale skills-testing research on children and adults, or in conducting educational surveys using questionnaires for different target groups.


taal van onderwijs100% en
computer exercise, group discussion, individual assignment, literature study, oral presentation, research, research project, research proposal, self study, tutorial, working group

Graduates of the Research Master Child Development and Education have profound understanding of the major topics and problems in child development and education. They have substantive and methodological skills to autonomously design, carry out and report high quality research in this field

Na de studie

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Beroepsperspectief / arbeidsmarkt

Where do our graduates work?

  • As PhD candidates at the University of Amsterdam, other Dutch universities, or abroad
  • As researchers in organisations for applied research, such as the Kohnstamm Institute
  • As clinical researchers, for example at UvAminds or Levvel 
  • As data scientists
  • As policy advisers in the public sector and educational organisations
  • And in many other work places.

aansluitende masteropleidingen

University of AmsterdamLerarenopleiding Grieks, Latijn en Klassieke culturele vorming educational+ aanv. eisen

Potentiële beroepen

afdelingshoogleraar (voorzitter vakgroep)
beleidsmedewerker onderwijs (wetenschappelijk)
conrector school voor vwo, manager hogeschool, universiteit, cursusinstituut (lesgevend)
cursuscoördinator, opleidingsadviseur cursusinstituut, consulent landelijk orgaan beroepsonderwijs (wetenschappelijk)
directeur grote onderwijsinstelling, bovenschoolsmanager, rector magnificus
directeur school voor speciaal onderwijs, voortgezet onderwijs, cursusinstituut (niet lesgevend, wetenschappelijk)
hoofdinspecteur onderwijsinspectie
huiswerkbegeleider, docent onderwijskunde, docent didactiek
manager onderwijskundig onderzoeksbureau
onderwijskundig medewerker ontwikkelen les- en cursusmateriaal
onderwijskundig onderzoeker/beleidsadviseur
projectcoördinator onderwijskundig onderzoek
remedial teacher, groepsleerkracht speciaal onderwijs (wetenschappelijk)
schoolbegeleider (wetenschappelijk)
bron: CBS