Deze opleiding

Explore robotics design, ideation methods, brainstorming and low-fi prototyping, scenario based design, mid-fi prototyping, playtesting and high-fi prototyping using (social) robot hardware.

locatieUniversity of Twente (Enschede)
typeregulier, 2 EC
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur10 dagen
he focus lies on methods from Design Research (or maker research) such as co-design (participatory design), UxD and UcD applied in an interactive context with robots. In this course we'll cover many different angles in robotics design, from working out application scenarios, wizard of oz prototyping and tinkering, as well as working with AI building blocks and getting down to the nitty gritty of robot control using open source tools like ROS, raspberry pi, and arduino. Furthermore, you wil gain experience in ideation methods, brainstorming and low-fi prototyping, scenario based design, mid-fi prototyping using animatronics hardware and specific toolkits, playtesting and high-fi prototyping using state-of-the art (social) robot hardware.


taal van onderwijs100% en

Toelating en kosten

studie kosten
bron: University of Twente
bedrag kostenpost
€ 775inschrijvingsgeldvoor de gehele opleiding