Deze opleiding

With growing population, climate change and new contaminants, water challenges are omnipresent. This course discusses various water treatment and re-use strategies that need to be employed.

locatieUniversity of Twente (Enschede)
typeregulier, 2 EC
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur10 dagen
Produced water is the major byproduct in the oil and gas industries. In oil and gas wells large quantities of naturally or injected water can be present. This water, which is trapped in the underground formations, is extracted to the surface during the production of the oil or gas. It contains hydrocarbons, salts, and various other components. Produced water is a growing source of concern due to environmental reasons. During CuriousU we will look at the several aspects associated produced water, and we will discuss and compares technologies that provide potential solutions to the problems it poses.


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Toelating en kosten

studie kosten
bron: University of Twente
bedrag kostenpost
€ 775inschrijvingsgeldvoor de gehele opleiding