Deze opleiding

The Master in International Business and Management (MIBM) is a fulltime, 18 month programme that prepares you to work in a real international context, by gaining intercultural specific competences.

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typeregulier, 90 EC
start1 september
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur18 maanden voltijd
The programme is a postgraduate MBA degree for graduates of business or business-related bachelors. In the MIBM programme you learn to solve international business issues from a boardroom perspective of an existing company, with significant practical and professional orientation towards international business. The programme truly applies professional knowledge and skills into practice. You will be working together with students and faculty from all over the world. On top of this, the MIBM offers you the opportunity to take part in a double degree programme, allowing students to study for one third of the programme at the Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) in Cambridge, UK. After completing the Double Degree programe, you will receive two officially recognised international master's diplomas:
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
  • Master of Science in International Business (MSc) from Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge

Waarom aan de Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen?

IBS runs a popular Double Degree programme with the Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) in Cambridge, the United Kingdom. This is a unique opportunity to enjoy a truly diverse international experience. Students participating in the Double Degree programme obtain two officially recognised international degrees within 18 months: Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Hanze UAS and Master of Science in International Business (MSc) from ARU in Cambridge.


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opbouwOur overall educational concept is characterized by small group sizes, and intensive contact between students and faculty. Next to lectures and workshops, you work both individually and in teams on practice-based and experience-based projects and case studies. Within our Living Labs, you interact with the world of professional practice through guest lectures by entrepreneurs, senior business executives and knowledge experts, seminars, real-life consultancy projects and company visits. Our teachi
1e jaar In the first year you will follow courses on topics such as Strategic Decision Making and the Multinational Boardroom, Intercultural & International Competence, International HRM, and International Finance & Accounting.
Strategic Decision Making and the Multinational Boardroom
5 EC
International Supply Chain Management
5 EC
Business Research Methods 1
5 EC
Intercultural & International Competence
5 EC
European Business a Global Context
5 EC
International Strategic Management
5 EC
International Marketing Management
5 EC
International Finance & Accounting
5 EC
International Business Project
5 EC
Invitation to the Boardroom
5 EC
Business Research Methods 2
5 EC
International Human Resource Management
5 EC
Creating Business Opportunities
5 EC
2e jaar During the second semester you will select a topic and business setting for your MBA thesis that you will write in the third semester. In your thesis you will research a real question for a real client from a company or organisation.
Master thesis afstuderen
25 EC


taal van onderwijs100% en
onderwijsopzet30% zelfstudie
45% theorie
25% praktijk
case study, literature study, oral presentation, research, research project, excursion, research proposal, tutorial, lecture, group assignment, workshop, self evaluation, individual assignment, self study, project, seminar
The MIBM programme prepares you to work in a real international context, by gaining intercultural specific competences.
exchange programs
  • Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge Double Degree option at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge - Groot Brittanie
    Master of Science in Business Studies

Toelating en kosten

toelaatbare profielen
WO bachelortoelaatbaar
hbo bachelortoelaatbaar

aanvullende vakeisen
Students must provide a transcript that holds all the following courses*:
o Human Resource Management
o Operations Management or Supply Chain Management
o Financial Management
o Marketing Management
o Strategic Management

  • In some cases, admission may be granted if one or more of these courses are missing on the student's transcript. Students are required to bring themselves up to the bachelor's level of this course though self-study before beginning the master's programme. A self-study literature list will be provided.

If you meet the requirements above, you will be invited for an admissions interview, either by phone or in person.

IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 575/Internet 90

Students must hold a valid and relevant business bachelor's degree or equivalent from an by Hanze UAS approved degree awarding body, university or college (no GMAT required).


studie kosten
bron: Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
bedrag kostenpost
€ 500levensonderhoud
€ 750studiematerialenper jaar
€ 600
inbegrepen in collegegeld
registration fee

De stad


The IBS-U is a non-profit student organisation, which was founded in 2007. The organisation provides recreation and entertainment opportunities for IBS students.
IBS-U has grown at a rapid pace and in 2009 was recognised as an official part of the university. With an annual membership of over 400 students, IBS-U is able to arrange a variety of social events that take place from September to June. Moreover, the IBS-U is responsible for the afternoon and evening programme during the Introduction Week for new students. This brings people together and helps new students settle in quickly.

Na de studie

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A comprehensive LinkedIn research showed that our graduates are employed in a wide variety of companies and business-related professions worldwide, including those following entrepreneurial and start-up career paths. Over 800 unique LinkedIn profiles were assessed, representing IBS alumni currently located in over 60 different countries. Popular areas of activity were sales, management, consultancy, account management, and human resource management. Many MIBM graduates become managers and entrepreneurs in the international arena. Popular positions include product manager, consultant, business development manager, and account manager. Our alumni are located around the world and can be found in companies and organisations of all sizes, from consultancies and start-ups to large multinationals such as Google, IBM, Rabobank, Volkswagen, PwC and Philips. In addition, many alumni have established their own company or consultancy or have top management positions.

Beroepsperspectief / arbeidsmarkt

The international business environment becomes increasingly dynamic. This means companies must adjust to stay competitive now and in the future. You will learn to create business opportunities determined by new economic realities and successfully navigate your career path within the intercultural landscape.

Potentiƫle beroepen

account manager
business development manager
product manager
bron: StudieData


Manon Nienhuis

Enrolment Officer Master in International Business & Management

T: +31(0)505953731
Meer informatie?
Bezoek de website van deze opleiding.

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