Deze opleiding

The role of the European Union has never been more questioned. Many Europeans feel the EU has become too large and that the process of integration has gone too fast.

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typeregulier, 30 EC
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur5 maanden voltijd
How to bring Europe closer to its citizens? What role can public relations play to win `the hearts and minds' of the people of Europe? How are decisions in an enlarged Europe made and how are compromises reached among 27 different cultures? Who is involved in lobbying?

Experience of public policy and politics, lobbying and debating will be practiced and students will take on the roles of EU politicians and tackle a contemporary issue facing the EU at present. Students who follow this programme may be interested in careers in national or European government communication or as a public relations consultant/ public affairs consultant/lobbyist.


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Communication research
Corporate communication
Issues and trends
Writing for public affairs


taal van onderwijs100% en
onderwijsopzet33% zelfstudie
33% theorie
34% praktijk
case study, research, excursion, group assignment, individual assignment, self study


Hanze Studiekeuze Advies
Ryan Schepers
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open_in_newstudy website