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  • Deze opleiding

    Nanobiology is a new field of research that borders on physics and biology. The programme focuses on the interactions between molecules, cells and organisms, based on fundamental principles of physics.

    open_in_newstudy website

    typeregulier, 180 EC
    start1 september
    taalvolledig English
    opleidingsduur3 jaar voltijd
    numerus fixus100plaatsen
    The Nanobiology bachelor programme provides the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to describe, and study further, the complexity of living systems. It does that in a quantitative way, and based on the principles of physics. The field of Nanobiology is developing fast, bringing changes that will soon have an impact on our society, in the medical field and beyond.

    Waarom aan de Erasmus University Rotterdam?

    Why study a Bachelor Nanobiology in Rotterdam?
    • Because technology only recently allows biology studies at nano-level.
    • It puts you at the frontier of exciting new research.
    • It combines physics and biology.
    • Two world class institutions in Delft and Rotterdam.
    • An opportunity to work with very high techresearch facilities.
    • It's in a stimulating international environment.


    taal van onderwijs100% en
    bindend studieadvies
    • minimaal 45 EC in de eerste 12 maanden


    Unsplashed background img 2


    1/2 Erasmus University Rotterdam
    € 342 gemiddelde kamerhuur
    ? eerstejaars
    NAN% vrouw
    ? uur contacttijd/week
    2/2 Delft University of Technology
    € 312 gemiddelde kamerhuur
    95 eerstejaars
    52% vrouw
    ? uur contacttijd/week
    disclaimer: bovenstaande cijfers en beoordelingen zijn aangeleverd door de opleidingen zelf. Wij kunnen de juistheid niet garanderen.

    Na de studie

    Unsplashed background img 2

    aansluitende masteropleidingen

    Delft University of TechnologyApplied Mathematics+ 36 EC pre-master
    Delft University of TechnologyApplied Physics+ 41 EC pre-master
    Delft University of TechnologyEngineering and Policy Analysis+ basiskennis
    + motivatiebrief
    Delft University of TechnologyEnvironmental Engineeringgeen aanvullende eisen
    Utrecht UniversityLeraar VHO biologie full-time,part-time educational+ aanv. eisen
    Utrecht UniversityLeraar VHO natuurkunde full-time,part-time educational+ aanv. eisen
    Delft University of TechnologyManagement of Technology+ motivatiebrief
    Master Design Driven Innovation part-time+ toelatingsgesprek
    Erasmus University RotterdamMolecular Medicine research+ aanv. eisen
    Erasmus University RotterdamNeuroscience research+ instaptoets
    + motivatiebrief
    Delft University of TechnologyRobotics+ 18 EC pre-master
    Delft University of TechnologyLeraar VHO Natuurkunde educational+ 18 EC pre-master
    bron: doorstroommatrix.nl


    Erasmus MC DienstenCentrum Onderwijs

    Contact Bachelor Nanobiology

    Meer informatie?
    Bezoek de website van deze opleiding.

    open_in_newstudy website