Numerus Fixus en selectie

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Sommige opleidingen in het hoger onderwijs hebben een maximaal aantal plekken. Zij kunnen een numerus fixus instellen. Dit betekent dat er niet meer studenten aan de opleiding mogen beginnen, dan vastgesteld.


Vanaf het studiejaar 2017-2018 bepaalt de hogeschool of universiteit zelf hoe de selectieprocedure er uitziet. Er wordt dan niet meer alleen gekeken naar het gemiddelde eindexamencijfer. Belangrijk zijn ook motivatie, persoonlijkheid en eerdere schoolprestaties. De onderwijsinstelling bepaalt wat de selectiecriteria precies zijn. Zo wordt de kans groter dat de juiste student op de juiste plek komt.

Zijn er meer aanmeldingen voor een opleiding, dan plaatsen? Dan nodigt de hogeschool of universiteit de aangemelde studenten uit voor de selectie. Deze selectie vindt plaats tussen 15 januari en 15 april. De hogeschool of universiteit bepaalt zelf hoe de selectie er uit ziet. De hogeschool of universiteit maakt dit op tijd bekend op haar website.
Op basis van de selectie, maakt de hogeschool of universiteit een ranglijst van alle deelnemers. De student met het beste resultaat komt bovenaan de ranglijst.

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Vóór 15 januari

Studenten moeten zich uiterlijk op 15 januari in Studielink aanmelden voor een opleiding met een numerus fixus.

Doel van numerus fixus

Bij opleidingen met een numerus fixus wordt slechts een beperkt aantal studenten toegelaten. De numerus fixus is ingesteld om één van drie redenen:
  1. Bewaking van de kwaliteit van de opleiding
    Er willen zich meer studenten voor de opleiding aanmelden dan de universiteit aan kan;
  2. Kleine arbeidsmarkt
    De verwachting is dat er in de toekomst te weinig werk is voor de afgestudeerde studenten - het aantal studenten dat kan instromen wordt daarom bewust laag gehouden;
  3. Hoge opleidingskosten
    De opleiding is te duur om aan een groter aantal studenten aan te bieden.

Opleidingen met numerus fixus

In onderstaande tabel hebben we het aantal aanmeldingen van het afgelopen jaar gezet. Daarmee kan je een ruwe schatting doen hoe groot je kansen zijn om tot de opleiding toegelaten te worden.
instelling opleiding vt/dt   # plaatsen   # aanmeldingen
aanmelden voor
University of Amsterdam Advanced Summer Institute om Sexuality, Culture & Society full-time 30
Radboud University Nijmegen Advances in Environmental Life Cycle Modelling full-time 40
Delft University of Technology Aerospace Engineering full-time 440 1154
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences AMFI-Amsterdam Fashion Institute full-time 430 1290
Radboud University Nijmegen An Introduction to the Fascinating World of Cardiology full-time 40
Radboud University Nijmegen An Introduction to Visualisation and Modelling of Spatial data (in R) full-time 75
Radboud University Nijmegen Analyzing Neural Time Series Data - August full-time 60
Radboud University Nijmegen Analyzing Neural Time Series Data - July full-time 60
University of Amsterdam Arcane Worlds: New Frontiers in the Study of Esotericism full-time 25
Utrecht University Arts and Society full-time 20
Utrecht University Arts and Society part-time 20
Leiden University Asian Studies: Chinese Studies (120EC) full-time 30
Leiden University Asian Studies: Japanese Studies (120EC) full-time 17
Leiden University Asian Studies: Korean Studies (120EC) full-time 12
Eindhoven University of Technology Automotive Systems Design full-time 16
Radboud University Nijmegen Baby & Child Research Center: How Early Life Shapes Human Development full-time 30
Radboud University Nijmegen Baby & Child Research Center: Translating Developmental Science from Research to Practice full-time 30
Erasmus University Rotterdam Beyond HR: People, Culture and Transformation full-time 25
Radboud University Nijmegen Biology full-time 220
Leiden University Biomedische Wetenschappen full-time 70 379
Utrecht University Biomedische wetenschappen full-time 175 569
Eindhoven University of Technology Bouwkunde full-time 325
Radboud University Nijmegen Brain, Bacteria and Behaviour: Understanding the Gut-Brain Axis full-time 40
University of Amsterdam Building Brands and Influencing Behaviour full-time 30
University of Amsterdam Business Administration full-time 750
Radboud University Nijmegen Chemometrics: Introduction to Advanced Data Analysis full-time 40
Radboud University Nijmegen Citizenship and Migration: Europe's 21st Century Challenges full-time 30
Radboud University Nijmegen Clinical Skills in the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression: Hands-on Practice and Heads-on Theory full-time 35
Utrecht University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences full-time 50 435
Utrecht University Communicatie, beleid en management full-time 25
Utrecht University Comparative Literary Studies full-time 20
Radboud University Nijmegen Complexity Methods for Behavioural Science: A Toolbox for Studying Change full-time 30
Eindhoven University of Technology Computer Science and Engineering full-time 325
Utrecht University Conflict Studies and Human Rights full-time 40
NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences Creative Media and Game Technologies full-time 180 655
Leiden University Criminologie full-time 165 448
Radboud University Nijmegen Current Issues in Environmental Science full-time 18
Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen Data Driven Decision Making in Marketing full-time 30
Radboud University Nijmegen Decarbonising Industry: Technology, Policy, and Societal Readiness full-time 40
Erasmus University Rotterdam Deep Learning full-time 30
Eindhoven University of Technology Design of Electrical Engineering Systems - ICT full-time 20
Utrecht University Diergeneeskunde full-time 225 1043
University of Amsterdam Diversity & Inclusion part-time 20
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen Doing Business in Europe - International Communication full-time 25
Maastricht University Effectief Leiderschap full-time 20
University of Groningen Euroculture (EM) full-time 30
Radboud University Nijmegen European Banking: Strategic and Regulatory Issues full-time 20
Utrecht University European Governance full-time 25
Erasmus University Rotterdam European Master in Health Economics and Management full-time 80
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences European School of Physiotherapy (Internationaal) full-time 120 555
University of Groningen Europese Studies full-time 30
Radboud University Nijmegen Excellence Beyond Borders: Breaking Down Barriers in Gifted Education full-time 18
TiasNimbas Business School Executive Master of Business Valuation part-time 30
Radboud University Nijmegen Experiments in Behavioural Economics: Methodology and Applications full-time 30
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen Family health and Family Care full-time 25
Utrecht University Film- en televisiewetenschap full-time 40
Utrecht University Film- en televisiewetenschap part-time 40
Maastricht University Forensic Psychology full-time 24
Radboud University Nijmegen Gender & Diversity Studies: Core Concepts full-time 30
Utrecht University Gender Studies full-time 40
Utrecht University Gender Studies part-time 40
Utrecht University Gender Studies (Research) full-time 20
Leiden University Geneeskunde full-time 315 858
Maastricht University Geneeskunde full-time 316 1327
Utrecht University Geneeskunde full-time 304 1145
Utrecht University Geneeskunde van gezelschapsdieren full-time 225
Utrecht University Gezondheidszorg landbouwhuisdieren en veterinaire volksgezondheid full-time 225
Utrecht University Gezondheidszorg paard full-time 225
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen Global Health and Quantified Self full-time 25
Utrecht University Global Sustainability Science full-time 150 368
Radboud University Nijmegen Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Maintenance, Differentiation, and Uses for Regenerative Medicine full-time 5
Utrecht University Infection and Immunity full-time 25
University of Groningen Informatica full-time 200
Radboud University Nijmegen Intellectual Disability and Health: Reducing Inequity full-time 16
Utrecht University Interculturele communicatie full-time 60
University of Amsterdam International and Transnational Criminal Law Training full-time 25
Erasmus University Rotterdam International Bachelor in Psychology full-time 600
Leiden University International Bachelor in Psychology full-time 600
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences International Business full-time 60
University of Groningen International Business full-time 550
Maastricht University International Business full-time 875 1475
Erasmus University Rotterdam International Business Administration full-time 600 2299
Radboud University Nijmegen International Grail: Communities-with-a-Heart full-time 20
Utrecht University International Relations in Historical Perspective full-time 60
Leiden University International Relations: Culture and Politics full-time 60
Leiden University International Relations: European Union Studies full-time 80
Leiden University International Relations: Global Conflict in the Modern Era full-time 120
Leiden University International Relations: Global Order in Historical Perspective full-time 60
Leiden University International Relations: Global Political Economy full-time 80
University of Groningen Internationale Betrekkingen en Internationale Organisatie full-time 300 710
Radboud University Nijmegen Introduction to Data Science with R and Rstudio for the Social Sciences full-time 25
Radboud University Nijmegen Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) full-time 25
Radboud University Nijmegen Introduction to Machine Learning with R and Rstudio full-time 25
Radboud University Nijmegen Introduction to Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Analysis part-time 30
University of Amsterdam Introduction to Sexuality Studies full-time 30
University of Groningen Kunstmatige Intelligentie full-time 175
Erasmus University Rotterdam Leading the Energy Transition full-time 25
Erasmus University Rotterdam Leiderschap voor Ervaren Managers full-time 22
Utrecht University Leraar VHO Engels 30
Utrecht University Leraar VHO geschiedenis 22
Utrecht University Leraar VHO maatschappijleer en maatschappijwetenschappen 20
Utrecht University Leraar VHO Spaans 8
Radboud University Nijmegen Linear Algebra for Neuroscientists full-time 60
Erasmus University Rotterdam Machine Learning for Business full-time 30
Erasmus University Rotterdam Maritime Economics and Logistics full-time 45
Erasmus University Rotterdam Maritime Economics and Logistics part-time 45
University of Amsterdam Market Microstructure part-time 25
Leiden University Media Studies: Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media full-time 44
University of Amsterdam Mental Health, Youth and Society full-time 30
Radboud University Nijmegen Migrant Inclusion Policies and Practices full-time 35
University of Amsterdam Migration and Integration: Refugees, Rights, and Realities full-time 30
Wageningen University Moleculaire Levenswetenschappen full-time 100 135
Erasmus University Rotterdam Nanobiology full-time 100
Utrecht University New Media and Digital Culture full-time 40
Utrecht University Organisaties, verandering en management full-time 25
Radboud University Nijmegen Peer Relations and Interactions in Childhood and Adolescence full-time 20
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen Physiotherapy full-time 285 684
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen Physiotherapy and Sports full-time 25
University of Amsterdam Placemaking: Sense, Space & Strategy full-time 30
University of Amsterdam Planning the Cycling City full-time 30
University of Amsterdam Political Economy full-time 25
Leiden University Political Science: International Relations and Organisations full-time 600
Leiden University Politicologie full-time 600
University of Amsterdam Pre University Honours: Politics and Identity full-time 20
University of Amsterdam Pre-University Honours Programme: Business Innovation & Entrepreneurship full-time 20
University of Amsterdam Pre-University Honours Programme: Media, Journalism & Society full-time 20
University of Amsterdam Premaster Business Administration full-time 150
Leiden University Psychologie full-time 600
University of Groningen Psychologie full-time 600 1126
Radboud University Nijmegen Psychologie full-time 600 1055
Maastricht University Psychologie full-time 525 1332
Utrecht University Psychologie full-time 600
University of Amsterdam Psychologie full-time 650
Tilburg University Psychologie full-time 600
University of Groningen Psychologie (EN) full-time 600 1126
Radboud University Nijmegen Psychology full-time 600 1055
University of Twente Psychology full-time 400
VU University Amsterdam Psychology full-time 600
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen Public Affairs full-time 30
Utrecht University Research in Public Administration and Organisational Science full-time 25
Erasmus University Rotterdam Ruimte in Transitie part-time 25
Utrecht University Science and Business Management full-time 60
University of Amsterdam Scientific Programming (Python for beginners) 10
Radboud University Nijmegen Social Media Theory and Research full-time 25
Eindhoven University of Technology Software Technology full-time 20
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences Sport Studies - track International Sports, Management and Business full-time 310
Utrecht University Sportbeleid en sportmanagement dual 25
Utrecht University Strategisch human resource management full-time 20
Erasmus University Rotterdam Summer Course in Corporate Communication part-time 35
University of Twente Technische Geneeskunde full-time 150 274
Eindhoven University of Technology Technische Informatica full-time 325
University of Amsterdam The Circular City: Towards a Sustainable Urban Ecosystem full-time 30
Erasmus University Rotterdam Urban Management and Development (UMD)(IHS) full-time 110
University of Amsterdam Urban Studies: Planning & Living in Cities full-time 26
Eindhoven University of Technology Werktuigbouwkunde full-time 550
Erasmus University Rotterdam Winter Course in Corporate Communication part-time 35