International Communication

Hanzehogeschool Groningen

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Deze opleiding

International Communication is a four-year bachelor programme which will prepare you for an (international) career in communication.

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typeregulier, 240 EC
start1 september
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur4 jaar voltijd
International Communication (IC) is a study programme for inquisitive students who understand the effects that messages, news and campaigns have on society, who feel comfortable using modern communication technology and who consider the world as their home. The programme trains students to become
communication professionals who build up trust and who are pro-active, innovative, creative, respectful and responsible.

Sounds challenging, right? Over the last decades, modern communication methods have turned the world into a global village and ongoing technological innovation changes the field of communication at a rapid pace. This requires today's communication professionals to be able to adapt in a field that
is constantly on the move.

Waarom aan de Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen?

The School of Communication, Media & IT has been actively involved in study abroad programmes for nearly 15 years. Its ever-expanding international network consists of over 100 partner universities from all over the world. The school also has a diverse and developing professional network of organisations that provide internships. Thanks to these networks, the School can offer you a valuable international experience you will never forget.


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1e jaar The first year serves as a general introduction to the world of communication. You will develop English-language skills relevant to communication professionals. Throughout the year you will develop intercultural competencies and media skills and be introduced to research methods and communication theories. The first year themes are Crisis & Reputation, Online Branding, Media & Entrepreneurship and Event.
News Analysis & Media Advice
Communication Theory and Media Theory
Press Release and Presentations
Social Media Analysis
Marketing Communication
Writing for the web
Online Content Marketing
Media Concept & Pitch
Creative Writing
Communication conference
Camera and video-training
Communication Theory and Media Theory
Portfolio Website
2e jaar In the second year you will develop a media campaign and explore the theory of intercultural communication to help organisations establish and maintain international and intercultural relations.
Media Campaign
Communication Scan
3e jaar The third year is your year abroad. Your internship broad will give you hands-on experience in an international organisation. You will learn the tricks of the trade from professionals in the field. Also you will study abroad as an exchange student at one of our international partner universities. The study abroad period gives you the chance to fully experience studying in a completely different culture.
4e jaar In your fourth year you will spend a semester in a multidisciplinary team in a so-called innovation lab, working on assignments from companies that take part in that lab. During your final semester you will take on the role of a junior consultant and work on solving an issue for an organisation. You are expected to offer a solution to a communication problem affecting the organisation. The solution will be supported by research and will offer strategic advice at an advanced level.


taal van onderwijs100% en
onderwijsopzet33% zelfstudie
33% theorie
34% praktijk
case study, excursion, group discussion, group assignment, lecture, individual assignment, literature study, oral presentation, research, research proposal, portfolio, poster presentation, project, internship, tutorial, working group, workshop, self study
bindend studieadvies
  • minimaal 48 EC in de eerste 12 maanden
  • propedeuse (alle vakken uit het eerste jaar) in in de eerste 24 maanden
honours-/excellence program Honours Talent Programme

The honours talent programme is an enhanced educational programme of 30 credits on top of the regular programme.

The honours programme will challenge you to work in a multidisciplinary team on research and innovative assignments of leading businesses and organizations. Since the programme is situated in Groningen, we will seek clients that operate from Groningen, for example Groningen's City of Talent Marketing project, Energy Valley, the internationally recognized Project on Healthy Ageing, and more. You can acquire and organize your own assignment or step into projects acquired by the school in contacts with companies and organizations. These could be the City Council of Groningen, Provincial Council, Gasunie, Groningen Seaport, UMCG (city hospital) and other renowned institutes and companies. Whatever you do, it should fit in with your own ambition and motivation. By taking part you can share your talent and move the world.

Toelating en kosten

toelaatbare profielen
havo N&Gtoelaatbaar
havo E&Mtoelaatbaar
havo N&Ttoelaatbaar
havo C&MAangevuld wiskunde A of wiskunde B
vwo N&Ttoelaatbaar
vwo N&Gtoelaatbaar
vwo E&Mtoelaatbaar
vwo C&Mtoelaatbaar
MBO niveau 4toelaatbaar

aanvullende vakeisen
You can be admitted to the programme with your havo, vwo or mbo-4 diploma. For havo C&M, Mathematics A or B is an additional requirement. If you do not have Mathematics A or B, then we offer you the chance to follow a Mathematics course and take an admissions exam.



studie kosten
bron: Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
bedrag kostenpost
€ 400levensonderhoud
€ 350
inbegrepen in collegegeld
registration fee

De stad


Communicatie, Communicatiesystemen, IDM / Media en Informatiemanagement, International Communication


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1/22 Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
International Communication
€ 303 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
2/22 Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
€ 303 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
3/22 Avans University of Applied Sciences
€ 326 gemiddelde kamerhuur
83 eerstejaars
79% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
90% Nederlandstalig
4/22 Christelijke Hogeschool Ede
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
5/22 Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Communicatie - SPECO Sportcommunicatie
€ 253 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
6/22 Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Communication - International Communication Management
€ 280 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
7/22 Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Communicatie - Creative Concepts for Communication
€ 253 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
8/22 Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Communicatie Eindhoven (incl. Advertising)
€ 280 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
99% Engelstalig
9/22 Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Communicatie Tilburg
€ 253 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
10/22 Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen
Communication (studietaal Engels)
€ 323 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
99% Engelstalig
11/22 Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen
€ 323 gemiddelde kamerhuur
202 eerstejaars
75% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
12/22 Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
202 eerstejaars
75% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
13/22 The Hague University of Applied Sciences
€ 326 gemiddelde kamerhuur
115 eerstejaars
81% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
14/22 The Hague University of Applied Sciences
International Communication Management (Engelstalige variant van Communicatie)
€ 326 gemiddelde kamerhuur
115 eerstejaars
81% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
15/22 Hogeschool Leiden
€ 350 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
16/22 Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
€ 342 gemiddelde kamerhuur
125 eerstejaars
80% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
17/22 HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
€ 336 gemiddelde kamerhuur
160 eerstejaars
73% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
18/22 Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
€ 424 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
19/22 Hogeschool Inholland
€ 342 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
star Elsevier
Keuzegids topopleiding 2023
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
Communicatie & Media
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
€ 307 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
disclaimer: bovenstaande cijfers en beoordelingen zijn aangeleverd door de opleidingen zelf. Wij kunnen de juistheid niet garanderen.

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opleidinggelijkenis met International Communication

Na de studie

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There are many job opportunities for an international communication professional. Communication professionals should be creative, flexible, open-minded and always up for a challenge. The International Communication programme prepares you for an international career in a range of positions, such as: public relations advisor, communications coordinator, marketing communication consultant, public affairs officer, social media strategist, press officer and event manager.

aansluitende masteropleidingen

University of GroningenCommunicatie en Educatie+ 60 EC pre-master
Tilburg University Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen+ 30 EC pre-master
VU University AmsterdamSchrijven en Vertalen+ 30 EC pre-master
University of GroningenCommunicatiekunde+ 60 EC pre-master
University of TwenteCommunication Science+ 30 EC pre-master
Wageningen UniversityCommunication, Health and Life Sciences+ aanv. eisen
Tilburg University Data Science and Society+ 30 EC pre-master
Tilburg University Filosofie part-time+ 30 EC pre-master
Tilburg University Kunst- en Cultuurwetenschappen+ 60 EC pre-master
Master Content & Media Strategygeen aanvullende eisen
Master Design Driven Innovation part-time+ toelatingsgesprek
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, GroningenMaster Energy for Societygeen aanvullende eisen
Master in International Leisure, Tourism and Events Managementgeen aanvullende eisen
Leiden UniversityJournalistiek en Nieuwe Media+ 60 EC pre-master
VU University AmsterdamNederlandse Letterkunde en het Literaire Veld+ 30 EC pre-master
Serious Gaming part-time+ toelatingsgesprek
Strategische Communicatiegeen aanvullende eisen

Potentiƫle beroepen

communications coordinator
event manager
marketing communication consultant
press officer
public affairs officer
public relations advisor
social media strategist
bron: StudieData


Mr. L. Pruiksma

Study Advisor & Admission Officer International Communication

T: +31 (0)505952935
Meer informatie?
Bezoek de website van deze opleiding.

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