Electrical and Electronic Engineering

HAN_ University of Applied Sciences

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Deze opleiding

HAN University of Applied Sciences is offering a Bachelors course in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.. The course is taught entirely in English.

open_in_newstudy website

typeregulier, 240 EC
start1 september
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur4 jaar voltijd
Electrical and Electronic Engineering is a four-year English-taught variation of the Dutch course 'Elektrotechniek'.

Just like the Dutch course, the English course will have two specialisations:

  • Industrial and Power Systems
  • Embedded Systems

In the first half year you will get an introduction to both.
In the following 3½ years you will focus on the specialisation of your choice.

Our study programme gives you the required theoretical and practical expertise together with necessary market information and insight to stay on top.

Our lecturers have worked as researchers and in commercial enterprise. Some are currently still working in the field, which ensures that you get the most up-to-date information and techniques!
Deze opleiding heeft meerdere vormen :


taal van onderwijs100% en
case study, design project, gaming, group assignment, group discussion, individual assignment, internship, laboratory work, lecture, research, research project, oral presentation, practicum, project, self evaluation, self study, traineeship
bindend studieadvies
  • minimaal 45 EC in de eerste 12 maanden

Toelating en kosten

toelaatbare profielen
havo N&Ttoelaatbaar
havo N&Gnatuurkunde of nlt
vwo N&Ttoelaatbaar
vwo N&Gnatuurkunde of nlt
vwo E&Mnatuurkunde
MBO niveau 4toelaatbaar

De stad


SV Amoras

aan het woord: studenten en docenten

Jason Muntenaar
HAN bachelor course Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Student Jason Muntenaar tells about his bachelor course Electrical and Electronic Engineering at HAN.
For subtitles in English:
  • Start the video
  • Click the title of the video (video opens in YouTube)
  • Turn on the subtitle button


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1/15 Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Engelstalig
€ 323 gemiddelde kamerhuur
77 eerstejaars
2% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
2/15 Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (studietaal Engels)
€ 323 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
99% Engelstalig
3/15 Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen
€ 323 gemiddelde kamerhuur
21 eerstejaars
4% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
100% Engelstalig
4/15 Avans University of Applied Sciences
€ 326 gemiddelde kamerhuur
87 eerstejaars
4% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
5/15 Fontys University of Applied Sciences
€ 280 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
99% Engelstalig
6/15 Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
€ 280 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
7/15 Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
€ 303 gemiddelde kamerhuur
92 eerstejaars
?% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
60% Nederlandstalig
30% Engelstalig
8/15 Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
Sensor Technology
star Keuzegids topopleiding 2018  2e
gemiddelde kamerhuur
32 eerstejaars
6% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
9/15 The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Elektrotechniek (Delft)
€ 312 gemiddelde kamerhuur
46 eerstejaars
2% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
10/15 Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
€ 342 gemiddelde kamerhuur
101 eerstejaars
7% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
11/15 HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
Electrical Engineering (Elektrotechniek)
€ 336 gemiddelde kamerhuur
65 eerstejaars
3% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
12/15 Hogeschool Inholland
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
star Keuzegids topopleiding 2020
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
14/15 Saxion
€ 250 gemiddelde kamerhuur
65 eerstejaars
7% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
€ 307 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
disclaimer: bovenstaande cijfers en beoordelingen zijn aangeleverd door de opleidingen zelf. Wij kunnen de juistheid niet garanderen.

Na de studie

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Beroepsperspectief / arbeidsmarkt

As a HAN Electrical and Electronic Engineering graduate, you will have diverse, marketable skills. You will be highly attractive to a wide range of employers.

After graduating, you can choose from many employers in both the commercial and public sector. A few examples of job descriptions:

aansluitende masteropleidingen

University of TwenteApplied Physics+ 30 EC pre-master
Eindhoven University of TechnologyAutomotive Technology+ 30 EC pre-master
University of TwenteBiomedical Engineering+ 43 EC pre-master
University of GroningenBiomedical Engineering+ 50 EC pre-master
Wageningen UniversityBiosystems Engineering+ cijfergemiddelde
Delft University of TechnologyComputer Engineering+ 50 EC pre-master
Computer Vision & Data Science+ basiskennis
+ toelatingsgesprek
University of TwenteEducatie in de Bètawetenschappen full-time,part-time+ 30 EC pre-master
Delft University of TechnologyElectrical Engineering+ 47 EC pre-master
Eindhoven University of TechnologyElectrical Engineering+ aanv. eisen
University of TwenteElectrical Engineering+ 30 EC pre-master
Eindhoven University of TechnologyEmbedded Systems+ 30 EC pre-master
University of TwenteEmbedded Systems+ 30 EC pre-master
Delft University of TechnologyEmbedded Systems - 4TU+ 50 EC pre-master
University of GroningenEnergy and Environmental Sciences+ 60 EC pre-master
Delft University of TechnologyEngineering and Policy Analysis+ 30 EC pre-master
Hogeschool Arnhem NijmegenEngineering Systemsgeen aanvullende eisen
Hogeschool Arnhem NijmegenEngineering Systemsgeen aanvullende eisen
Hogeschool Arnhem NijmegenAutomotive Systems (English)geen aanvullende eisen
Hogeschool Arnhem NijmegenControl Systems (English)geen aanvullende eisen
Hogeschool Arnhem NijmegenEmbedded Systems (English)geen aanvullende eisen
Hogeschool Arnhem NijmegenSustainable Energy part-timegeen aanvullende eisen
Hogeschool Arnhem NijmegenSustainable Energy (English)geen aanvullende eisen
University of TwenteEnvironmental & Energy Management+ 30 EC pre-master
Eindhoven University of TechnologyHuman-Technology Interaction+ 30 EC pre-master
University of TwenteIndustrial Engineering & Management+ 30 EC pre-master
Eindhoven University of TechnologyInnovation Management+ 30 EC pre-master
Eindhoven University of TechnologyInnovation Sciences+ 30 EC pre-master
University of TwenteInteraction Technology+ 30 EC pre-master
Utrecht UniversityLeraar VHO natuurkunde full-time,part-time educational+ 90 EC pre-master
University of AmsterdamLerarenopleiding Natuurkunde educational+ 90 EC pre-master
Delft University of TechnologyManagement of Technology+ 30 EC pre-master
Master Design Driven Innovation part-time+ toelatingsgesprek
Eindhoven University of TechnologyMechanical Engineering+ 30 EC pre-master
University of TwenteNanotechnology+ 30 EC pre-master
Eindhoven University of TechnologyOperations Management & Logistics+ 30 EC pre-master
University of TwentePhilosophy of Science, Technology & Society full-time,part-time+ aanv. eisen
University of TwenteRobotics+ 30 EC pre-master
Eindhoven University of TechnologyScience and Technology of Nuclear Fusion+ 40 EC pre-master
Eindhoven University of TechnologyLeraar VHO Informatica educational+ 30 EC pre-master
Eindhoven University of TechnologyLeraar VHO Natuurkunde educational+ 30 EC pre-master
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, GroningenSensor System Engineeringgeen aanvullende eisen
University of TwenteSustainable Energy Technology+ 30 EC pre-master
Eindhoven University of TechnologySustainable Energy Technology+ 30 EC pre-master
Delft University of TechnologySystems and Control+ 30 EC pre-master
Eindhoven University of TechnologySystems and Control+ 30 EC pre-master
University of GroningenWerktuigbouwkunde+ 50 EC pre-master
bron: doorstroommatrix.nl

Potentiële beroepen

hardware developer

As a hardware developer, you develop innovative electronic products. More specifically, the electronic hardware for these products. You do this using microcontrollers. Customer requirements and specifications are crucial. Your teammates are other engineers and professionals from other disciplines.

industrial automation developer

As an industrial automation developer, you analyze, design, simulate, program and test automated machinery and processes. The aim? To perform exact or repetitive tasks. Using the same IT solutions used in visualization and monitoring. Possible industries? Product manufacturing, oil and gas processing or food processing.

power engineer

As a power engineer, you design electrical transmission systems. This involves tasks like calculating and simulating power transmission systems. Also, reviewing power system designs, observing field acceptance tests and inspecting power systems.

bron: StudieData


E: ask@han.nl
T: +31 24 353 05 00
Meer informatie?
Bezoek de website van deze opleiding.

open_in_newstudy website