Deze opleiding

Learn about different applications and methods of how to improve happiness and well-being and also develop you own interventions, through interactive methods and challenge based learning.

locatieUniversity of Twente (Enschede)
typeregulier, 2 EC
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur10 dagen
Inspired by insights from positive psychology, eHealth and health psychology this course will help you address these questions. You will work on several cases related to well-being and health, with the ultimate goal to boost health, both physically and mentally. Together wither other students you will search for positive psychology applications and solutions in daily life and how these can be developed. During the course you will develop several interventions for different target groups. Together with students from the Design the future track you will work on a final project and design your own intervention to enhance well-being on the campus.


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Toelating en kosten

studie kosten
bron: University of Twente
bedrag kostenpost
€ 775inschrijvingsgeldvoor de gehele opleiding