Environmental Sciences
Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein

Deze opleiding
locatieLeeuwarden |
diplomaBSc |
typeregulier, 240 EC |
start1 september |
taalvolledig Dutch |
opleidingsduur4 jaar voltijd |
accreditatiesNVAO |
croho-code34284 |
Deze opleiding heeft meerdere vormen :
- full-time te Leeuwarden
- part-time te Leeuwarden
Waarom aan de Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences?

specialisatie Energy and Climate
By specialising in Energy and Climate, you will learn that sustainable energy is not only better for the environment, but it also makes countries such as the Netherlands less dependent on other oil-producing countries.Sustainable energy and energy-saving measures are among the most important current issues. By 2020, at least 20% of the energy sources in Europe must become sustainable. Luckily, there are plenty of options to achieve that, such as wind energy, solar power and biomass energy. Our study programme looks for innovative solutions and answers to questions like: how much energy do windmills produce, and is it possible to switch exclusively to sustainable energy with our current lifestyle? How can we adapt to climate change and ensure that efficient climate agreements will be made all over the world? How can we contribute as individuals? These are only some of the issues that you will be solving on a daily basis when you start working as a professional in the climate and energy management sector. As this sector is quickly growing, many jobs will be waiting for you when you graduate!
specialisatie Applied Ecology
The specialisation in Applied Ecology will teach you an ecosystem view of landscapes, which focuses on the processes that shape landscapes and the ecosystems in them.
It is through these landscape ecological processes that (human) land use influences biodiversity. You will learn research methods to study landscapes, biodiversity and landscape ecological processes. In combination with the knowledge of water management and nature management techniques, this will enable you to help strengthen the balance between land use and biodiversity.
specialisatie Water and Environmental Technology
In the specialisation Water and Environmental Technology, you will learn about the importance of clean drinking water and keeping our sources of drinking water clean.
You will also learn about technologies to treat contaminated soils and waste water. Clean soil, clean air and good water quality is vital; not only for people, but for everything that surrounds us. In the specialisation Water and Environmental Technology, you can choose either a .stream with special attention for water technology or a stream that covers the wider field of environmental technologies. In the former you will study the different aspects of purification and treatment of household and industrial waste water, so it can be reused. Drinking water is a major issue in the world, as currently 1 billion people do not have access to clean drinking water. 'Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all' is one of the Sustainable Development Goals for the years 2015 – 2030, of the United Nations. The Netherlands is striving to be one of the most innovative countries in the field of water technology! In the stream Environmental Technology you will learn not only about water technology, but also about energy, material cycles, air quality and climate issues. So, if you wish to specialise in water and environmental technology, you have come to the right place!
taal van onderwijs | 100% nl |
avondonderwijs | n.v.t. |
afstandsonderwijs | n.v.t. |
case study, group assignment, individual assignment, internship, lecture, research project, practicum, project, self study, working groupbindend studieadvies
- minimaal 46 EC in de eerste 12 maanden
Toelating en kosten
toelaatbare profielen
havo N&T | toelaatbaar |
havo N&G | toelaatbaar |
havo E&M | met scheikunde |
havo C&M | met wiskunde A of B en scheikunde |
vwo N&T | toelaatbaar |
vwo N&G | toelaatbaar |
vwo E&M | met scheikunde of nlt |
MBO niveau 4 | Studenten met een mbo-diploma niveau 4 zijn toelaatbaar. Voor een goede kans op succes worden de vakken Nederlands, Engels, wiskunde A of B en scheikunde op havo-eindexamenniveau ten zeerste aanbevolen. |

€ gemiddelde kamerhuur |
30 eerstejaars |
16% vrouw |
? uur contacttijd/week |
100% Nederlandstalig |
Environmental Science for Sustainability, Ecosystems and Technology
star Keuzegids topopleiding 2024 |
€ 326 gemiddelde kamerhuur |
64 eerstejaars |
39% vrouw |
? uur contacttijd/week |
100% Engelstalig |
€ 293 gemiddelde kamerhuur |
? eerstejaars |
NAN% vrouw |
? uur contacttijd/week |
Klimaat en Management (studieroute)
€ gemiddelde kamerhuur |
? eerstejaars |
NAN% vrouw |
? uur contacttijd/week |
Na de studie

aansluitende masteropleidingen
instelling | opleiding | instroomeisen |
Wageningen University | Biobased Sciences | + aanv. eisen |
Wageningen University | Biotechnology | + cijfergemiddelde |
Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen | Circulaire Economie part-time | geen aanvullende eisen |
Wageningen University | Climate Studies | + aanv. eisen |
Wageningen University | Communication, Health and Life Sciences | + 30 EC pre-master |
Wageningen University | Development and Rural Innovation | + aanv. eisen |
Wageningen University | Earth and Environment | + aanv. eisen |
University of Groningen | Energy and Environmental Sciences | + 60 EC pre-master |
University of Twente | Environmental & Energy Management | + 30 EC pre-master |
Wageningen University | Environmental Sciences | + aanv. eisen |
Wageningen University | Forest and Nature Conservation | + aanv. eisen |
Wageningen University | Geo-information Science | + aanv. eisen |
Wageningen University | International Land- and Water Management | + aanv. eisen |
Wageningen University | Management, Economics and Consumer Studies | + 30 EC pre-master |
Master Design Driven Innovation part-time | + toelatingsgesprek | |
University of Twente | Philosophy of Science, Technology & Society full-time,part-time | + aanv. eisen |
Wageningen University | Urban Environmental Management | + aanv. eisen |
Wageningen University | Water Technology (joint degree) | + 30 EC pre-master |
Potentiële beroepen

Bezoek de website van deze opleiding.