Marcel van den Broek
University of Groningen
I was always curious about how everything around me worked. At first, I was interested in devices like cars and computers. But eventually, if you ask 'why' enough times, you end up at the fundamentals – which is physics.
It turns out that nature does not operate in as straight forward a manner as it seems. Quantum mechanics and relativity can be very counterintuitive. That made me want to learn all about it. I looked up the statistics on job security after completing the degree programme and they were reasonably high... We started with special relativity, which turned out to be a nice introduction to the type of insights that would be uncovered during the rest of the degree programme. It did not require any advanced mathematics and it also explored interesting concepts about the perception of time.
In the second year, quantum mechanics was taught. This required a bit more work but the insights that were obtained were very interesting and strange. These subjects stood out since they really changed the way that I saw the world around me.The most difficult subjects for me were some of the course units in mathematics. Not because they were particularly hard but because I could not immediately see why I needed to learn those subjects. However, later in my studies, these subjects came back and their value became clear.Besides studying Physics, I joined the Mayday student sailing society. I do recommend joining some kind of student or sports organization when starting your student life in Groningen. It is a great way to make friends quickly and to make the most out of student life. I also worked as a teaching assistant (TA) for a programming course unit on Python. TA jobs let you work in the field of your interest and provide a decent salary.I will do my Master’s degree programme in Applied Physics. The other Master’s programmes are more research oriented. However, I would like to go into industry after my studies. Applied Physics seems to be the programme that best suits that interest, while still teaching subjects in physics that I find interesting.
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