1/4 University of Groningen
Technische Natuurkunde
€ 303 gemiddelde kamerhuur
37 eerstejaars
18% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
  • In Groningen kun je Natuurkunde en Technische natuurkunde naast elkaar doen. De RUG is de enige Nederlandse universiteit die zo'n brede en internationale bacheloropleiding aanbiedt.
  • In Groningen studeer je bij wetenschappers die wereldwijd een uitstekende reputatie hebben opgebouwd. Het aan de opleiding verbonden Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials behoort tot de beste 15 ter wereld.
2/4 Delft University of Technology
Technische Natuurkunde
€ 312 gemiddelde kamerhuur
200 eerstejaars
11% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
3/4 Eindhoven University of Technology
Applied Physics
€ 280 gemiddelde kamerhuur
181 eerstejaars
17% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
4/4 University of Twente
Technische Natuurkunde
€ 250 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
disclaimer: bovenstaande cijfers en beoordelingen zijn aangeleverd door de opleidingen zelf. Wij kunnen de juistheid niet garanderen.

Studenten aan het woord

Rutger Haan
University of Groningen
Ever since I was a little boy, I was very interested in science and had an insatiable curiosity about how the world works. I also love technology and that is why I chose to study Applied Physics.

You learn about topics ranging from how electricity and magnetism are related, for example, to what the structure of matter entails and, moreover, how these subjects are related through quantum mechanics...
Most often you can find me at my study association, T.F.V. ‘Professor Francken’, where I can just have a quick chat with my friends and play a round of cards. I also play squash at the UG’s sports facility, ACLO, and I train there once a week.

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Mare Dijkstra
University of Groningen
My name is Mare and I chose to study Physics since I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do. In secondary school, I enjoyed many subjects, making my choice even more difficult.

I knew that I wanted to study something that involved maths but not Mathematics itself, since that is too abstract for my liking. That is why, in the end, I chose Physics. For me, physics is learning about everything around you and trying to understand it by linking it to mathematics.Along the way, I realized that I wanted to get into the technological side of things and put the physics that I know to use...
This is the reason why I switched to Applied Physics in my second year.I just finished a project in Cambodia involving solar cells and I am now starting my Bachelor’s project on the degradation of perovskite LEDs. In the future, I hope to do more research, possibly on (perovskite) solar cells. What is certain is that I want to do something that contributes to our future with clean energy.I am also a member of the lacrosse association; I play lacrosse and enjoy all the activities connected to my student association.

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Lilly-Anne Kalderen
University of Groningen
I chose to study Applied Physics because the programme includes both theoretical and engineering aspects. During high school, I enjoyed math and physics but was not sure what I wanted as a future career and the Applied Physics bachelor gives a wide range of options for master's degrees and career paths. The study for me has been challenging, although incredibly rewarding. The courses at the beginning of the study cover the basics of physics and therefore they felt a bit more theoretical than I had expected...
The courses consist of lectures and tutorials, and oftentimes there will be assignments to hand in or a long-term project which is done with peers. The group projects have significantly helped me with the understanding of the material and in addition, have taught me other important skills such as working in groups and writing reports.Recently, I completed the course Physics Lab 4 where I, with a partner, conducted different experiments, processed the results, wrote an extensive report on our findings and gave a presentation on one of the experiments. During this lab course, I was introduced to various topics which helped me develop my academic skills and my interests in the applied physics field. Next to my studies, I do various sports and I am active in different associations, including the study association T.F.V 'Professor Francken' where I have done different committees including the foreign excursion committee.

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