1/5 Utrecht University
Banking and Finance
€ 336 gemiddelde kamerhuur
72 eerstejaars
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The statement 'the real-world perspective' summarises Utrecht University School of Economics' mission. It indicates a strong awareness of the complex socio-economic reality: human behaviour is not always 'rational' and markets are not always in equilibrium. Institutions are important in understanding economic dynamics and so are the dimensions of time and space. The real-world perspective leads to a multidisciplinary-economics approach.
2/5 Utrecht University
Financial Management
€ 336 gemiddelde kamerhuur
72 eerstejaars
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The statement 'the real-world perspective' summarizes Utrecht University School of Economics' mission. It indicates a strong awareness of the complex socio-economic reality: human behaviour is not always 'rational' and markets are not always in equilibrium. Institutions are important in understanding economic dynamics and so are the dimensions of time and space. The real world perspective leads to a multidisciplinary-economics approach.
3/5 Utrecht University
Business Development and Entrepreneurship
€ 336 gemiddelde kamerhuur
72 eerstejaars
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The statement 'the real-world perspective' summarises succinctly Utrecht University School of Economics' mission. It indicates a strong awareness of the complex socio-economic reality: human behaviour is not always 'rational' and markets are not always in equilibrium. Institutions are important in understanding economic dynamics and so are the dimensions of time and space. The real world perspective leads to a multidisciplinary-economics approach.
4/5 Utrecht University
International Management
€ 336 gemiddelde kamerhuur
72 eerstejaars
50% vrouw
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The statement 'the real-world perspective' summarizes Utrecht University School of Economics' mission. It indicates a strong awareness of the complex socio-economic reality: human behaviour is not always 'rational' and markets are not always in equilibrium. Institutions are important in understanding economic dynamics and so are the dimensions of time and space. The real world perspective leads to a multidisciplinary-economics approach.
5/5 Utrecht University
Business & Social Impact
€ 336 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
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