1/3 University of Groningen
Population Studies
€ 303 gemiddelde kamerhuur
7 eerstejaars
85% vrouw
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Our programme is unique in its combination of analytical and social demography, its combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods, and its international, multidisciplinary and strong scientific orientation. Interactive ways of teaching are being employed by very enthusiastic and dedicated teachers. Within the Netherlands, Groningen is the only university offering an MSC in Population Studies.
2/3 University of Groningen
DDM Social Demography
€ 303 gemiddelde kamerhuur
7 eerstejaars
85% vrouw
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The program combines the strengths of two of the highest-ranked Social Science Departments in Europe to offer high level research training in Sociology and Demography. It emphasizes the study of both advanced and developing societies from a dynamic perspective, using analytical and methodological tools from two disciplines. The program has a unique approach for understanding how individuals' main life events both influence and are influenced by the social context in which they live.
3/3 University of Groningen
DDM Demography and Social Inequality
€ 303 gemiddelde kamerhuur
7 eerstejaars
85% vrouw
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Our programme is unique in its combination of analytical and social demography, its combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods, and its international, multidisciplinary and strong scientific orientation. Interactive ways of teaching are being employed by very enthusiastic and dedicated teachers. Within the Netherlands, Groningen is the only university offering an MSC in Population Studies.
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