International Bachelor Arts and Culture Studies
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Deze opleiding
locatieRotterdam |
diplomaBA |
typeregulier, 180 EC |
start1 september |
taalvolledig English |
opleidingsduur3 jaar voltijd |
accreditatiesNVAO |
croho-code56823 |
numerus fixusnee |
honoursheeft honours track |
Waarom aan de Erasmus University Rotterdam?
afstudeerrichting Culture and Economics
In the specialist field Culture and Economics, you study the art world from a cultural economic perspective.
Artists, art and cultural institutions and the public all have to deal with economics and organisation. In the cultural sector, plans are made, events and products are organised, designed, sold and purchased. The government, among other parties, plays an important role through its policy and decisions about whether or not to provide funding. In the specialist field Culture and Economics, you study the art world from this cultural economic perspective. This is a typical Rotterdam approach to arts and culture studies.
The second and third year of the programme build on the economic subjects studied in the first year. The economic and business aspects of culture are addressed at different levels: at the level of the individual artist, the cultural organisation, the employment market and the government.
afstudeerrichting Culture and Society
When choosing the 'Culture and Society'-track you get acquainted with up-to-date sociological theories and will develop relevant research skills in studying these art worlds.
You learn to investigate how artists and their audiences interact, which role gatekeepers are playing in selecting artistic works, and which strategies cultural industries, cultural organizations and governments develop to steer artistic processes via the market or policy. You also study how and why different groups of people participate in art worlds (as creators themselves or as consumers), and how the boundaries between consumers and creators are fading due to technological developments such as digitization, changing the interrelationships and the (often unwritten) rules that shape art worlds. In doing so, you get all the knowledge and knowhow necessary to become a professional in one of the art worlds - film, visual art, architecture, popular music, etc. - yourself, or to develop an academic career in the sociology of art and culture.
afstudeerrichting Culture and Media
Central to this specialisation are the creation, distribution and consumption of various media and media products and the role of media in the communication of culture.
Cultural industries, media, broadcasters, film, music and the Internet play an important role in the political, social and cultural life and are becoming increasingly important in the cultural economy.
How have different media sectors (such as the broadcasting sector, the printed press and the Internet) developed in recent decades and what changes and dilemmas do they currently face? How are media products created and how do readers, viewers and listeners use these products? What role does the media play in processes of cultural communication and in shaping the perception of art and culture?
taal van onderwijs | 100% en |
avondonderwijs | n.v.t. |
afstandsonderwijs | n.v.t. |
active learning, group assignment, individual assignment, internship, lecture, literature study, research, oral presentation, seminar, thesis, tutorial, working groupbindend studieadvies
- minimaal 60 EC in de eerste 12 maanden
honours-/excellence program Arts and Culture Honours Programme
If you are an ambitious and talented student, we offer you more academic challenges, more opportunities to delve deeper into particular topics, and the chance to work with an arts organisation on an actual case.The honours programme aims at deepening and broadening the subject material of our regular curriculum. This takes place by an in-depth reading of a number of academic texts, discussing these works with the lecturer and fellow students, and producing a paper or other type of report or presentation at the end of each theme. Each lecturer involved is responsible for three seminars dealing with a current topic in her or his area of expertise. Finally, students will learn to do impactful research by doing a project embedded within a (Rotterdam) arts organization and present their findings at a final symposium.
Students investing fully in this course will be able to:
- Understand and compare complex academic texts on contemporary topics in arts and culture studies.
- Gain insight in the complex relation between theory and empirical research.
- Apply their new knowledge and skills, both within an academic context (through assignments) and within a societal context (making impact through the honours research project).
Toelating en kosten
toelaatbare profielen
vwo N&T | toelaatbaar |
vwo N&G | toelaatbaar |
vwo E&M | toelaatbaar |
vwo C&M | toelaatbaar |
hbo-p | toelaatbaar |
WO propedeuse | toelaatbaar |
International Bachelor Arts and Culture Studies
€ 342 gemiddelde kamerhuur |
87 eerstejaars |
78% vrouw |
? uur contacttijd/week |
100% Engelstalig |
Dual Degree in Arts and Sciences (RASL)
€ 342 gemiddelde kamerhuur |
13 eerstejaars |
84% vrouw |
? uur contacttijd/week |
100% Engelstalig |
Arts and Culture Studies
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur |
59 eerstejaars |
?% vrouw |
? uur contacttijd/week |
100% Engelstalig |
Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen
star Keuzegids beste opleiding 2020 1e Keuzegids beste opleiding 2018 1e |
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur |
45 eerstejaars |
91% vrouw |
? uur contacttijd/week |
100% Nederlandstalig 100% Engelstalig |
Art, Media and Society
€ 253 gemiddelde kamerhuur |
? eerstejaars |
NAN% vrouw |
? uur contacttijd/week |
100% Engelstalig |
Na de studie
aansluitende masteropleidingen
instelling | opleiding | instroomeisen |
Leiden University | African Studies | + aanv. eisen |
Radboud University Nijmegen | Art and Visual Culture research | + cijfergemiddelde + toelatingsgesprek + motivatiebrief |
VU University Amsterdam | Comparative Arts and Media Studies | + aanv. eisen |
VU University Amsterdam | Contemporary Art History | + aanv. eisen |
VU University Amsterdam | Design Cultures | + motivatiebrief |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | Arts and Culture Studies | + aanv. eisen |
Leiden University | Asian Studies (60EC) | + aanv. eisen |
Universiteit voor Humanistiek | Burgerschap & Kwaliteit van Samenleven | geen aanvullende eisen |
Radboud University Nijmegen | Communicatie en Beïnvloeding | geen aanvullende eisen |
Radboud University Nijmegen | Creative Industries | geen aanvullende eisen |
VU University Amsterdam | Curating Art and Cultures | + basiskennis + motivatiebrief + toelatingsgesprek + instaptoets |
University of Groningen | Digital Humanities | geen aanvullende eisen |
University of Groningen | Euroculture (EM) | geen aanvullende eisen |
University of Groningen | Europese Studies | geen aanvullende eisen |
Tilburg University | Filosofie part-time | + 30 EC pre-master |
Radboud University Nijmegen | Filosofie van een bepaald wetenschapsgebied | geen aanvullende eisen |
Radboud University Nijmegen | Global Communication and Diversity | geen aanvullende eisen |
University of Groningen | Heritage and Religion | + aanv. eisen |
University of Amsterdam | Heritage Studies: Heritage and Memory Studies dual | geen aanvullende eisen |
Radboud University Nijmegen | Historical, Literary and Cultural Studies research | + aanv. eisen |
Utrecht University | History and Philosophy of Science research | geen aanvullende eisen |
VU University Amsterdam | Critical Studies in Art and Culture research | geen aanvullende eisen |
VU University Amsterdam | Architectuurgeschiedenis | + aanv. eisen |
Radboud University Nijmegen | Kunst- en Cultuurwetenschappen | geen aanvullende eisen |
Tilburg University | Kunst- en Cultuurwetenschappen | + aanv. eisen |
Radboud University Nijmegen | Kunstbeleid en Kunstbedrijf | geen aanvullende eisen |
Radboud University Nijmegen | Kunstgeschiedenis | geen aanvullende eisen |
Leiden University | Leraar VHO in Nederlands educational | + 90 EC pre-master |
Utrecht University | Leraar VHO Nederlands full-time,part-time educational | + aanv. eisen |
University of Amsterdam | Lerarenopleiding Geschiedenis en staatsinrichting educational | geen aanvullende eisen |
University of Amsterdam | Lerarenopleiding Geschiedenis en staatsinrichting part-time educational | geen aanvullende eisen |
Tilburg University | Lerarenopleiding Nederlands - educatieve master educational | + aanv. eisen |
Radboud University Nijmegen | Letterkunde | geen aanvullende eisen |
Radboud University Nijmegen | Literair bedrijf | geen aanvullende eisen |
Radboud University Nijmegen | Literary Studies research | + cijfergemiddelde + toelatingsgesprek + motivatiebrief |
Radboud University Nijmegen | Literatuur en Samenleving | geen aanvullende eisen |
Universiteit voor Humanistiek | Master Humanistiek | geen aanvullende eisen |
Universiteit voor Humanistiek | Master Zorgethiek en Beleid | geen aanvullende eisen |
Leiden University | Film and Photographic Studies | + aanv. eisen |
University of Groningen | Religion and Pluralism, Ancient & Modern | + aanv. eisen |
University of Groningen | Religious Diversity in a Globalised World (EM) research | + cijfergemiddelde + toelatingsgesprek + motivatiebrief |
Radboud University Nijmegen | Tourism and Culture | geen aanvullende eisen |
University of Groningen | Werk en Zingeving | + aanv. eisen |
Potentiële beroepen
Bezoek de website van deze opleiding.