Deze opleiding

Learning how contemporary society deals with its physical environment and how you can help enhance sustainability in the economy, society and politics

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typeregulier, 60 EC
start1 september
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur12 maanden voltijd
numerus fixusnee
This programme focuses on the way society deals with its physical environment. We'll look at experiences of countries all over the globe, at good and bad practises and at the role of markets and governments as well as society itself. You'll become part of the quest for sustainability such as greening our economies and changing daily behaviour. With the help from other disciplines like sociology, psychology, political science and administration, you'll gain the complete picture. In short, you'll have the knowledge and skills to guide and influence societal transformations towards sustainability.

You choose a specialisation within the programme that determines the courses in the first semester. You will graduate in this specialisation in the second semester.

The Master's in Environment and Society Studies offers four specialisations: Global Environment and Sustainability; Corporate Sustainability; Local Environmental Change and Sustainable Cities; European Spatial and Environmental Planning.

Waarom aan de Radboud University Nijmegen?

Unlike other Master's programmes, this programme particularly focuses on the political transformations needed for societal change. You can acquire scientific insights by using numerous social and political issues from all over the world.Theory is put into practice. During the programme, you'll be in close contact with the professional field by means of guest lecturers and practical assignments in which you can assess how well key theories and dynamics perform in practice.


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The Master's specialisation 'European spatial and environmental planning' prepares for a career in the area of strategic spatial planning and European spatial planning and territorial cooperation.

The spatial impacts of European Union policy are visible wherever we look. Transnational transport connections, such as the Öresund bridge, or nature protection through the Natura2000 network, are examples of the influence of EU policy on land use patterns in our regions. The freedoms of the Single European Market give EU citizens the right to work and to buy a house in another country, and companies the opportunity to settle anywhere in the EU. The globalisation of the economy and increasing interlinkages between regions have led to a growth in transport volumes across the EU, as exemplified by recent expansions of many European airports. Many of these EU developments have considerable spatial and environmental implications.

This international and European dimension to spatial and environmental planning in the nations and regions of the EU is the focus of our full-time international Master specialisation on 'European spatial and environmental planning' (ESEP).

The Master's in European spatial and environmental planning is a specialistion of the Master's programme in Human Geography.

specialisatie Corporate Sustainability

In this specialisaton you study innovations and socio-economic transformations that enhance an environmentally sustainable economy, in particular affects the role of business and the market.

More and more businesses believe they have a responsibility to tackle environmental challenges and, indeed, do so. But how can all businesses be forced to think of both planet and profit? Does it work best when the pressure comes directly from governance in the form of economic sanctions and legislation? Or is it better that the pressure comes from consumers demanding sustainability?

In this Master's, you will learn about behavioural economics, organisational studies and innovation management as well as about different environmentally sustainable economies. Examples of sustainable economy include the we-economy, the bio-economy, the circular economy and the sharing economy. Another crucial question is whether these can exist in the current market where the main focus lies on economic growth.

Because of the attention given to both strategy and policy, you'll be able to work as an advisor for both the private and public sector. You could help governmental organisations and NGOs stimulate companies and consumers to make the needed change.

The Master's in Corporate Sustainability is a specialisation of the Master's in Environment and Society Studies.

specialisatie Global Environment and Sustainability

You will study the way issues of complex global sustainability are addressed by international governance arrangements, rules and organisations, both public and private.

In the Master's specialisation in Global Environment and Sustainability you'll gain the required knowledge of the economic, political, ethical and societal dimensions shaping environmental problems and possible solutions in a globalising world. You'll be introduced to the latest scientific insights, which will be illustrated with numerous examples of how countries all over the world tackle these problems and the various interests at play.

This specialisation focuses on the relationships between global players like international institutions, multinational companies, environmental organisations and the regimes that govern over the world's natural resources. Of course, this involves understanding what the major environmental treaties like the Treaty of Lisbon and the Kyoto-protocol are based upon as well as how these climate policies are developed. But it also includes understanding how agreements and partnerships between, for example, NGOs and corporations operate.

Global Environment and Sustainability is a specialisation of the Master's programme Environment and Society Studies.

specialisatie Local Environmental Change and Sustainable Cities

Cities around the world are dealing with environmental issues: air pollution, urban heat islands, stormwater flooding, the growing accumulation of solid waste.

What can be done to keep citizens safe from environmental hazards and natural disasters? What is needed to ensure a pleasant living environment? And how can residents, commuters and businesses be stimulated – or if necessary, forced with legislation or financial sanctions – to do their bit? With the problems increasing, rather than diminishing, there's a growing demand for professionals with an expertise in the development of sustainable cities.

The Master's specialisation focuses on the local level of sustainability transformations. You'll be introduced to the latest scientific insights, which will be illustrated with numerous examples of how cities and regions all over the world tackle these problems.


taal van onderwijs100% en
case study, excursion, group assignment, group discussion, individual assignment, integration module, internship, lecture, literature study, research, research project, research proposal, oral presentation, project, self evaluation, self study, tutorial, working group, workshop

Toelating en kosten


In order to get admission to this Master's you will need a completed Bachelor's degree in environmental studie, spatial planning, human geography or another related discipline with a background in research methodology.

Unless the requirements at are met, a language test is required:
A TOEFL score of ≥90, with subscores not lower than 18;
A IELTS score of ≥6.5, with subscores not lower than 6.0;
Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE) or Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) with a mark of C or higher.

inbegrepen in collegegeld
registration fee

De stad


Mundus is de studievereniging voor studenten Geografie, Planologie en Milieu in Nijmegen. Je kunt vanwege het economische voordeel van de boekenkorting lid worden van Mundus, maar onze vereniging heeft nog veel meer te bieden.
Onze enthousiaste actieve leden dragen bij aan de organisatie van diverse leuke activiteiten voor alle Mundusleden en andere geïnteresseerden. Je staat vrij om zelf dingen te organiseren of eraan mee te doen.

Regelmatig organiseren wij lezingen op onverwachte locaties in Nederland, excursies naar leuke steden of gewoon een dagje 'even helemaal weg'. Ook is er natuurlijk de jaarlijkse buitenlandse Mundusreis, die altijd een goede mix is van vakinhoudelijkheid, vakantiegevoel en veel lol.

Maar Mundus doet nog meer. Tijdens onze contactdag kom je, als voorbereiding op het toekomstige werkveld, in contact met sociaal geografen, planologen en millieukundigen uit de beroepspraktijk. Daarnaast is er de nu al legendarische Borrelende Kennis Quiz, waarbij studenten en docenten van de sectie het opnemen tegen andere teams van GPM. Naast studiegerelateerde activiteiten brengt Mundus natuurlijk ook ontspanning door feesten, borrels of een barbecue, waardoor je je medestudenten op een andere manier leert kennen. Elk jaar organiseert Mundus het Nationaal Geografisch en Planologisch Symposium, in samenwerking met andere studieverenigingen uit Amsterdam, Utrecht, Groningen en Wageningen. Wil je meer weten over Mundus? Wil je lid worden of zelf iets organiseren? Dan ben je van harte welkom in de pauze, elke middag tussen 12.30 uur en 13.30 uur, op onze kamer in de Thomas van Aquinostraat 5.0.04.


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1/4 Radboud University Nijmegen
Environment and Society studies
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
4 eerstejaars
75% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
2/4 Radboud University Nijmegen
Corporate Sustainability
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
4 eerstejaars
75% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
3/4 Radboud University Nijmegen
Global Environment and Sustainability
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
4 eerstejaars
75% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
4/4 Radboud University Nijmegen
Local Environmental Change and Sustainable Cities
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
4 eerstejaars
75% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
disclaimer: bovenstaande cijfers en beoordelingen zijn aangeleverd door de opleidingen zelf. Wij kunnen de juistheid niet garanderen.

Na de studie

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Our graduates are greatly valued by their employers for their analytical skills, critical perspective and sound academic understanding of how to enhance sustainability in the economy, society and politics. After completion, you'll be equipped with the abilities and knowledge of a young environmental practitioner, policy-maker or academic.

Beroepsperspectief / arbeidsmarkt

Among others, you'll have the ability to:
  • Apply relevant social science concepts and theories
  • Analyse and design sustainable policy change
  • Analyse and evaluate current policy
  • Shape collaboration between involved public and private parties
  • Write strategic plans or position papers
  • Work together in interdisciplinary teams of experts, taking into consideration other individuals' standpoints, positions and values.

Potentiële beroepen

bron: StudieData


Drs. Jackie van de Walle


Meer informatie?
Bezoek de website van deze opleiding.

open_in_newstudy website