Communication and Information Studies

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

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Deze opleiding

Communication is at the centre of human social action. From everyday family life to communication in organizations, our lives are shaped and organized through communication.

open_in_newstudy website

typeregulier, 180 EC
start1 september
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur3 jaar voltijd
numerus fixusnee
honoursheeft honours track

Communication plays a crucial role in society. How can people be persuaded to live a healthy life? How can teachers find out what students understand? How can doctors successfully communicate with low-literate patients?

In the Bachelor's programme Communication and Information Studies (CIS) you will learn:

  • to find where communication succeeds or fails
  • to design and implement interventions to improve communication
  • to measure the success of these interventions.

CIS focuses on communication from a language perspective in the broadest sense: CIS is about text, talk, gestures, pictures and digital media.

Communication is not only about products, but also about processes involving people, attitudes and opinions. Therefore, you will receive a multidisciplinary training with elements from linguistics, psychology, sociology and marketing.

CIS is an international degree programme taught in English. You will be part of an international group of students. You will collaborate with students abroad. And you will have guest lecturers from universities outside the Netherlands. The programme also provides the possibility to follow a Dutch Track.

Waarom aan de University of Groningen?

CIS in Groningen is the only 100% international CIS programme in The Netherlands. It is taught in English and it takes an intercultural perspective on communication. It has a strong focus on communication design. Our graduates are experts in designing and advising on successful corporate communication, workplace interactions, and communication trainings. We do not only focus on written text, but also include human-to-human interaction, human-computer interaction, and effective use of visuals in our study of communication.


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opbouwDisclaimer: The second and third-year course units shown in the table above are subject to change in the event of alterations to the programme.
1e jaar Students get familiar with CIS topics (multimodal communication, persuasive communication, digital communication, intercultural communication), the analytic methods used within CIS and CIS research methodology (qualitative and quantitative). Throughout the year students receive training in English language proficiency (speaking and writing).
Academic Skills 1
5 EC
Persuasive Communication
5 EC
Corporate and Organisational Communication 1: Introduction
5 EC
Academic Skills 2
5 EC
Intercultural Communication
5 EC
Language Optimization
5 EC
Digital Communication
5 EC
Text Analysis I
5 EC
Methodology for CIS: Qualitative Methods
5 EC
Conversation Analysis I
5 EC
Methodology for CIS: Quantitative Methods
5 EC
Multimodal Communication
5 EC
2e jaar The programme focuses on the process of communication design: evaluation, intervention and measurement of outcomes in various domains (e.g. pictures in professional communication, design and evaluation, corporate marketing communication).
5 EC
5 EC
Questionnaire and Interview design
5 EC
Pictures in Professional Communication
5 EC
Conversation Analysis II
5 EC
Corporate and Organisational Communication 2: Marketing and Branding
5 EC
CIS Diversity Management 1 keuzevak
5 EC
Current trends in CIS research keuzevak
5 EC
Design and Evaluation
5 EC
ASP for Dutch Track
5 EC
Webdesign keuzevak
5 EC
Health Communication keuzevak
5 EC
Text Analysis II
5 EC
Social Media
5 EC
Usability keuzevak
5 EC
Statistics II keuzevak
5 EC
3e jaar Students do (semi-) independent research and follow a minor. Students can also choose to do a placement.
30 EC
Ba Thesis and Seminar afstuderen
10 EC
Current trends in CIS research keuzevak
5 EC
Case Study CIS
10 EC
Corporate and Organisational Communication 3: Responsible Communication keuzevak
5 EC
Health Communication keuzevak
5 EC
Webdesign keuzevak
5 EC
CIS Diversity Management 2 keuzevak
5 EC
Usability keuzevak
5 EC
Statistics II keuzevak
5 EC


specialisatie Dutch track

If you sign up for the Dutch Track you will still be part of the International programme and the majority of your courses will still be in English.

However, the Dutch track provides Dutch speaking students with the opportunity to develop their academic skills in the Dutch language. The track also allows students to prepare themselves for the Dutch language labour market. The Dutch track consists of seven Course Modules and the BA thesis. In these modules students will work with Dutch materials, seminars will be in the Dutch language and exams will also be in Dutch. Lectures and course readings are still in English. Participation in the Dutch Track is noted on the diploma. Courses in the Dutch Track: Pragmatics, Linguistics, Text Analysis 1 & 2, Conversation Analysis 1 & 2, Academic communication (Dutch version), BA thesis.

minor Minor

The fifth semester of your studies is dedicated to your Minor: a coherent set of future-oriented course units. It prepares you for a follow-on Master's degree program or for entering the labour market. You can opt for a Career Minor, a Minor abroad, a University Minor or a Faculty Minor.


taal van onderwijs100% en
case study, group assignment, group discussion, individual assignment, integration module, internship, lecture, literature study, research project, project, self evaluation, self study, tutorial
study guidance
If you have any questions or doubts about your studies, you can always contact the study advisor. They know all the ins and outs of the programme, minors, study abroad and personal planning. Study advisors are impartial and everything that is discussed is treated confidentially. They can also help you find the right institutions and student desks for your problems.
bindend studieadvies
  • minimaal 45 EC in de eerste 12 maanden

You will be offered study advice after the first year of study. You can expect a positive result if you have earned more than 45 ECTS credit points (out of a total of 60 ECTS). If you have earned fewer than 45 ECTS and are issued a negative result, you will not be allowed to continue with your degree programme.
You will receive preliminary study advice in December to make sure that you know where you stand. Please contact your study advisor as soon as possible if you have any questions about the BSA system.
N.B. Some degree programmes use a tutoring system; please check with your study advisor.

honours-/excellence program University of Groningen Honours College

The Honours College will give talented, motivated students the chance to be challenged even more by following Honours programmes and taking part in numerous other activities.

The Honours College comprises a broadening part and a deepening part and has a study load of 30 ECTS credit points besides the 180 ECTS credit points from your regular Bachelor programme.

Toelating en kosten


1 september 2025

aanmelding deadline : 1 mei 2025
wettelijk tarief : € 2601 (€1301 in het eerste jaar)
instellingstarief : € 11800
niet-EU/EER studenten : € 13500

1 september 2026

aanmelding deadline : 1 mei 2026
collegegeld nog niet bekend

toelaatbare profielen
VWO N&Taangevuld met If you have passed the VWO (pre-university education) exam in English, you satisfy the language requirement.
VWO N&Gaangevuld met If you have passed the VWO (pre-university education) exam in English, you satisfy the language requirement.
VWO E&Maangevuld met If you have passed the VWO (pre-university education) exam in English, you satisfy the language requirement.
VWO C&Maangevuld met If you have passed the VWO (pre-university education) exam in English, you satisfy the language requirement.
hbo-pLanguage requirement English: A VWO diploma or a subject certificate for VWO English (mark 6 or higher), minimum requirement of TOEFL iBT 90 (with a minimum of 21 on all items), or IELTS 6.5 (with a minimum of 6 on all items). Cambridge C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency with a minimum score of 180.
For more information, see:

De stad


Commotie is the study association for all communication students in Groningen.They offer their members a wide range of both educational and social activities and want their members to get the most out of their student life. In-house days, workshops, lectures and congresses give a broad insight in the workfield and career possibilities of communication.
Social activities contain an annual trip abroad, monthly socials, parties and many other fun activities. These activities give members the opportunity to make new friends and meet new people. More info? Check the website.
The Marketing Association of the University of Groningen (MARUG) is the inter-departmental study association for students who are interested in marketing.
The MARUG acts as an intermediary between marketing theory and marketing practice and organises several career events and social activities during the year, such as a monthly social. At this moment, the MARUG has more than 1500 members from different fields of knowledge.


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1/11 University of Groningen
Communication and Information Studies
€ 303 gemiddelde kamerhuur
9 eerstejaars
88% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
2/11 Radboud University Nijmegen
Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
117 eerstejaars
70% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
100% Engelstalig
3/11 Radboud University Nijmegen
International Business Communication
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
120 eerstejaars
?% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
4/11 Utrecht University
Communicatie- en informatiewetenschappen
€ 336 gemiddelde kamerhuur
123 eerstejaars
?% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
5/11 Tilburg University
Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen
€ 253 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
40% Nederlandstalig
60% Engelstalig
6/11 VU University Amsterdam
Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen
€ 424 gemiddelde kamerhuur
34 eerstejaars
85% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
7/11 VU University Amsterdam
Language and Mind
€ 424 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
8/11 VU University Amsterdam
Language and Media
€ 424 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
9/11 VU University Amsterdam
Media en Journalistiek
€ 424 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
10/11 VU University Amsterdam
English Language and Communication Studies
€ 424 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
11/11 VU University Amsterdam
Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen
€ 424 gemiddelde kamerhuur
68 eerstejaars
?% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
disclaimer: bovenstaande cijfers en beoordelingen zijn aangeleverd door de opleidingen zelf. Wij kunnen de juistheid niet garanderen.

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Na de studie

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If you want to continue with a Master's degree programme after your graduation, as most students do, you will have a wide range of programmes to choose from. With a Bachelor's degree in Communication and Information Studies, you have access to the following Master's tracks at the University of Groningen:

When this BA programme is combined with certain faculty minors, you gain direct access to more Master's tracks, such as Dutch Studies (Dutch taught) and Journalism.

Beroepsperspectief / arbeidsmarkt

As a graduate of Communication and Information Studies you are well prepared for a career in many different fields. Thanks to your multidisciplinary research training in communication design, you will be perfectly capable of contributing to every organization or company that aims for successful communication. You can work in the communication department of (governmental) organizations, business communities, cultural organizations, or non-profit organizations, or you can find a job as a communication trainer, editor, marketing manager - you will be well-equipped for any job involving communication design. Students who take the Dutch Track will be well-prepared for a job on the Dutch labour market.

aansluitende masteropleidingen

University of GroningenApplied Linguistics - TEFL+ aanv. eisen
VU University AmsterdamComparative Arts and Media Studies+ aanv. eisen
VU University AmsterdamDesign Cultures+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenArts, Cognition and Criticism+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenArts, Policy and Cultural Entrepreneurship+ aanv. eisen
Universiteit voor HumanistiekBurgerschap & Kwaliteit van Samenlevengeen aanvullende eisen
Erasmus University RotterdamBusiness Information Management+ basiskennis
Radboud University NijmegenCommunicatie en Beïnvloedinggeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenCommunicatie en Educatiegeen aanvullende eisen
Tilburg University Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen+ aanv. eisen
Radboud University NijmegenCommunicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen (brede master)geen aanvullende eisen
VU University AmsterdamJournalistiek+ basiskennis
+ motivatiebrief
VU University AmsterdamMultimodal Communicationgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenCommunicatiekundegeen aanvullende eisen
Radboud University NijmegenCommunicatiewetenschap+ 60 EC pre-master
University of TwenteCommunication Sciencegeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenComputercommunicatiegeen aanvullende eisen
Leiden UniversityCrisis and Security Management+ aanv. eisen
VU University AmsterdamCulture, Organization and Management+ aanv. eisen
Tilburg University Data Science and Society+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenDigital Humanitiesgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenEast Asian Studies+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenEuroculture (EM)geen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenEuropean Politics in a Global Perspective+ aanv. eisen
Radboud University NijmegenEuropese Studies+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenEuropese Studiesgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenFilm and Contemporary Audiovisual Media+ aanv. eisen
Tilburg University Filosofie part-time+ 30 EC pre-master
University of GroningenGeestelijke verzorging+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenGeopolitics & Connectivity+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenGeschiedenis+ 30 EC pre-master
Radboud University NijmegenGlobal Communication and Diversitygeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenGriekse en Latijnse Taal en Cultuur+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenHistory and Heritage Consultancy+ aanv. eisen
Utrecht UniversityHistory and Philosophy of Science researchgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenHistory of Architecture and Town planning+ aanv. eisen
VU University AmsterdamLinguistics researchgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenInformatiekunde+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenInternational Humanitarian Action (120 EC)geen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenInternational Political Economy+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenInternational Relations and International Organization+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenInternational Security+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenInternationale Betrekkingen (60 EC)+ aanv. eisen
Tilburg University Kunst- en Cultuurwetenschappen+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenKunstgeschiedenis+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenLandschapsgeschiedenis+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenLanguage and Cognition research+ aanv. eisen
Radboud University NijmegenLanguage Variation and Multilingualism+ aanv. eisen
Leiden UniversityLeraar VHO in Nederlands educational+ 90 EC pre-master
Utrecht UniversityLeraar VHO Nederlands full-time,part-time educational+ 30 EC pre-master
Tilburg University Lerarenopleiding Nederlands - educatieve master educational+ aanv. eisen
Radboud University NijmegenLinguistics and Communication Sciences (research) research+ cijfergemiddelde
+ toelatingsgesprek
+ motivatiebrief
University of GroningenMarketing+ 25 EC pre-master
Tilburg University Marketing Management+ 30 EC pre-master
Erasmus University RotterdamMarketing Management+ basiskennis
Master Content & Media Strategygeen aanvullende eisen
Universiteit voor HumanistiekMaster Humanistiekgeen aanvullende eisen
Universiteit voor HumanistiekMaster Zorgethiek en Beleidgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenMidden-Oostenstudies+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenMSc Marketing - Marketing Analytics and Data Science+ 25 EC pre-master
University of GroningenMSc Marketing - Marketing Management+ 25 EC pre-master
Leiden UniversityMSc. International and European Governance+ aanv. eisen
Leiden UniversityMSc. Management van de Publieke Sector+ aanv. eisen
Leiden UniversityMSc. Public Administration+ aanv. eisen
Leiden UniversityMSc. Public Management and Leadership+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenMultilingualism+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenMusic, Theatre and Performance Studies+ aanv. eisen
Radboud University NijmegenNederland-Duitsland Studies+ toelatingsgesprek
+ motivatiebrief
University of GroningenNeerlandistiek+ aanv. eisen
Tilburg University Organization and Management Studies+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenOude Geschiedenis part-time+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenPolitics, Organizations and Learning Histories+ aanv. eisen
VU University AmsterdamWork and Organizational Psychology+ aanv. eisen
University of TwentePublic Administration+ 15 EC pre-master
University of GroningenReligion, Conflict and Globalization+ aanv. eisen
Tilburg University Research Master in Linguistics and Communication Sciences research+ aanv. eisen
Strategische Communicatiegeen aanvullende eisen
Radboud University NijmegenTaalwetenschappen/Linguistics+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenTheoretical and Empirical Linguisticsgeen aanvullende eisen
Radboud University NijmegenTourism and Culturegeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenPast, Present and Future+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenVertalen in Europa+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenWerk en Zingeving+ aanv. eisen

Potentiële beroepen

communicatie manager
marketing manager
bron: StudieData


Ask Your Question Here

please fill in this contact form, we will answer you as soon as possible.

Dr. Ongena

program coördinator

Kiki Koopman


Luiza Filip


Admission Office (Contact form)
T: +31-(0)50 363 8976
W: Admission Office (Contact form)
Meer informatie?
Bezoek de website van deze opleiding.

open_in_newstudy website