Econometrics and Operations Research

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

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Deze opleiding

Study econometrics and operations research in Groningen to learn how to use mathematical modelling to find solutions to real-life problems in our society.

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typeregulier, 180 EC
start1 september
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur3 jaar voltijd
numerus fixusnee

What is the most cost-efficient location for placing windmills in the Netherlands? How can mathematics and statistics help us understand the relationship between climate change and economic factors, such as food prices, energy costs, or job opportunities? If you enjoy solving problems like this, this programme could be right for you. The BSc Econometrics and Operations Research (EOR) at the University of Groningen teaches you all about mathematical modelling. In many courses you practice modelling by applying data to real life cases in many areas, including climate change, environmental matters, welfare, and well-being. The combination of the four profiles econometrics, operations research, actuarial science, and mathematical economics, makes this a unique programme in the Netherlands. If you like economics, mathematics, and statistics, enjoy finding solutions to complex issues, and aim to contribute significantly to relevant societal problems, then this could be the programme for you.

  • Econometrics is about the statistical methods needed to estimate the relation between variables. How do micro-finance loans help alleviate poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa?
  • Operations research focuses on optimal decision-making and finding approximate solutions to complex real-life problems. How to deliver a number of packages with the smallest environmental footprint possible?
  • Actuarial science is about modelling the risks faced by, for instance, insurance companies and pension funds. How are pensions related to people living longer?
  • Mathematical economics studies how economic actors (individuals, government, companies) interact with each other. Does price discrimination reduce social welfare?

Waarom aan de University of Groningen?

  • The BSc Econometrics and Operations Research provides you with a strong theoretical base and teaches you how to apply theory to real-life data and cases, concerning, for example societal and environmental (global) issues.
  • A unique feature of the programme is the EOR game.You will play this business simulation game in all three years of the programme to apply the knowledge and skills you have gained from different courses.
  • The programme in Groningen is known for small-group teaching and personal contact with lecturers and fellow students.
  • In the third year you have the possibility to study abroad, but you can also follow a minor at FEB, such as a deepening minor, which includes a new course on big data and machine learning.
  • Students from the BSc Econometrics and Operations Research form an active and ambitious community. Study association VESTING organizes all kinds of social and study-related activities throughout the year to prepare you for your future career and make the most out of your study time at the Faculty of Economics and Business.
  • The programme has been internationally accredited by the AACSB and EQUIS, ensuring a high-quality education, which only 1% of universities reach worldwide.


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1e jaar During the first year, you will follow a wide range of courses that introduce you to the field of econometrics and operations research such as: data analytics, statistical modelling, programming, calculus, linear algebra, finance, microeconomics, probability theory, and probability distributions. You will also start with a game which is specifically developed for students from the BSc Econometrics and Operations Research.
Introduction to Data Analytics
5 EC
Math I: Calculus
5 EC
OR Modelling
5 EC
Math II: Linear Algebra
5 EC
Probability Theory for EOR
5 EC
Programming for EOR
5 EC
Finance for EOR
5 EC
Math III: Analysis
5 EC
Microeconomics for EOR
5 EC
Math IV: Multivariate Calculus
5 EC
Probability Distributions
5 EC
Statistical Modelling for EOR
5 EC
2e jaar Also in the second year, you will follow a wide variety of courses focusing on modelling in different types of ways. Within the Dynamic Econometrics course, you will create an original research question that involves the analysis of time series data, with special attention to the relation between climate and economic variables. You learn how to design and use algorithms and heuristics that can find solutions for global problems.
Math V: Advanced Linear Algebra
5 EC
Macroeconomics for EOR
5 EC
Statistical Inference
5 EC
Math VI: Convexity and Optimization
5 EC
Stochastic Operations Research
5 EC
Linear Models in Statistics
5 EC
Introduction to Econometrics
5 EC
Life Insurance
5 EC
Discrete Operations Research
5 EC
Dynamic Econometrics
5 EC
Game Theory
5 EC
Risk Insurance
5 EC
3e jaar In the first part of the third year, you take a minor. You can choose a minor at the Faculty of Economics and Business, at another faculty within the University of Groningen, or you can study abroad for one semester. In the second semester of the third year, you will write your Bachelor's thesis to prove your modelling skills and follow the last course units of the BSc EOR programme.
30 EC
Numerical Methods for EOR
5 EC
Stochastic Models
5 EC
Bachelor's Thesis afstuderen
10 EC
Elective BSc EOR
5 EC
Games, Competition and Markets
5 EC


taal van onderwijs100% en
case study, computer exercise, group assignment, group discussion, individual assignment, lecture, literature study, research, research project, research proposal, oral presentation, practicum, project, self study, tutorial, working group
bindend studieadvies
  • minimaal 45 EC in de eerste 12 maanden

You will be offered study advice after the first year of study. You can expect a positive result if you have earned more than 45 ECTS credit points (out of a total of 60 ECTS). If you have earned fewer than 45 ECTS and are issued a negative result, you will not be allowed to continue with your degree programme.
You will receive preliminary study advice in December to make sure that you know where you stand. Please contact your study advisor as soon as possible if you have any questions about the BSA system.
N.B. Some degree programmes use a tutoring system; please check with your study advisor.

study guidance
As a student, you are expected to work independently, but of course, the faculty will help you do so. Together with other first-years, you will participate in a mentor group. The mentor, a senior student, will help you learn the ins and outs of the faculty. In addition, you will discuss your study progress with your tutor (a lecturer-supervisor) at regular intervals. The study advisors are available to help you with specific study problems.

During the first year, your mentor group, called Study Performance and Academic Attitudes (SPAA) group, will meet on a regular basis, supervised by your student-mentor. Assignments and discussions will help you gain insight into your own way of studying and how to develop effective study skills. This small-scale approach enhances contact between students and between students and lecturers. You will also have a lecturer-tutor, whom you will meet individually at the start of your studies and after the first two exam periods. This way you receive personal and regular feedback on your study progress. Successful studying depends on many different factors, so it is understandable that you may need to consult an impartial expert with whom you can discuss your study progress and personal circumstances. The faculty's study advisors are available to help you. Obviously, everything discussed with the study advisor remains confidential.

Toelating en kosten


1 september 2025

aanmelding deadline : 1 mei 2025
wettelijk tarief : € 2601 (€1301 in het eerste jaar)
instellingstarief : € 11800
niet-EU/EER studenten : € 13500

1 september 2026

aanmelding deadline : 1 mei 2026
collegegeld nog niet bekend

Students have to apply online via Studielink. After you have applied, you have the right to participate in a matching activity. Matching is a procedure for students who want to apply for a Bachelor programme without a decentral selection procedure. Read more about the matching procedure.

More information on the steps to apply.

toelaatbare profielen
VWO N&Ttoelaatbaar
VWO N&Gaangevuld met wiskunde B
VWO E&Maangevuld met wiskunde B
VWO C&Maangevuld met wiskunde B
hbo-pIt is also possible to enter the programme with an HBO propaedeutic certificate, on condition that you meet the required level of mathematics and the English language skills. For mathematics, you must at least have completed B (previously mathematics B1) at Dutch VWO level. For English, you must also have completed this at VWO level or obtained one of the English certificates: IELTS Academic overall score 6 (Speaking 6, Writing 5.5); TOEFL internet-based overall score 90 (Speaking 20, Writing 20); C1 Advanced (with minimum score 169).
WO propedeuseYou can enroll, as long as you have a finished VWO-degree with mathematics B.
studie kosten
bron: University of Groningen
bedrag kostenpost
€ 600.00studiematerialenper jaar
inbegrepen in collegegeld
registration fee

De stad


VESTING is the study association for the bachelor Econometrics and Operations Research and for the master Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Studies at the University of Groningen (UG)
VESTING has the goal to bridge the gap between theory and practice in the field of Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Studies. VESTING also strives to improve the contact between its members and to offer them the opportunity to develop themselves outside of the study. To achieve this, VESTING organizes many activities, both formal and informal.
The Economics and Business Faculty association (EBF) is the faculty association for all students studying at the faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen.
The EBF is your partner during your time in Groningen by organising events that support you with your studies and help you prepare for your future career.


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1/7 University of Groningen
Econometrie en Operationele Research
€ 303 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
2/7 Erasmus University Rotterdam
Econometrics / Economics - BSc2 - Double degree
€ 342 gemiddelde kamerhuur
313 eerstejaars
30% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
3/7 Erasmus University Rotterdam
International Bachelor Econometrics and Operations Research
€ 342 gemiddelde kamerhuur
313 eerstejaars
30% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
4/7 Erasmus University Rotterdam
Econometrie en Operationele Research
€ 342 gemiddelde kamerhuur
313 eerstejaars
30% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
5/7 Maastricht University
Econometrie en Operationele Research
star Keuzegids beste opleiding 2016  1e
€ 308 gemiddelde kamerhuur
65 eerstejaars
32% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
6/7 Tilburg University
Econometrie en Operationele Research
€ 253 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
100% Engelstalig
7/7 VU University Amsterdam
Econometrie en Operationele Research
star Keuzegids topopleiding 2018
Keuzegids topopleiding 2019
Keuzegids topopleiding 2020
€ 424 gemiddelde kamerhuur
72 eerstejaars
27% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
50% Nederlandstalig
100% Engelstalig
disclaimer: bovenstaande cijfers en beoordelingen zijn aangeleverd door de opleidingen zelf. Wij kunnen de juistheid niet garanderen.

Na de studie

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Beroepsperspectief / arbeidsmarkt

Almost all students decide to continue with a Master's degree in EOR or a related field. Acquiring such a Master's degree will expand your career opportunities in the short and long term, at home and abroad. Graduates with an MSc degree in EOR are found in a broad spectrum of occupations where mathematical, programming and problem-solving skills are needed.

You can continue your education with the MSc in Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Studies at the University of Groningen.

The world of business offers jobs in areas such as finance, insurance, logistics, and marketing. Also, the public sector hires econometricians. Finally, moving into academia is another possible career path. As a graduate, your degree will be highly valued in the labour market. The Faculty of Economics and Business is internationally accredited and belongs to the 1% of business schools around the world accredited by both EQUIS and AACSB.

aansluitende masteropleidingen

University of GroningenAccountancy and Controlling+ 60 EC pre-master
University of GroningenAccountancy profile+ aanv. eisen
VU University AmsterdamAccounting and Control+ aanvullende vakeisen
University of GroningenArtificial Intelligence+ 60 EC pre-master
University of GroningenBusiness administrationgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenHealthgeen aanvullende eisen
VU University AmsterdamHuman Resource Management+ aanvullende vakeisen
University of GroningenHuman Resource Management+ 45 EC pre-master
VU University AmsterdamManagement Consulting+ aanvullende vakeisen
VU University AmsterdamStrategy and Organization+ aanvullende vakeisen
VU University AmsterdamBusiness Analytics+ aanv. eisen
Tilburg University Business Analytics and Operations Researchgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenChange Managementgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenClinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology researchgeen aanvullende eisen
Delft University of TechnologyComplex Systems Engineering and Management+ basiskennis
+ motivatiebrief
University of GroningenControlling profile+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenCPE Track Health Systems and Prevention researchgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenCPE Track Lifecourse Health Development researchgeen aanvullende eisen
Tilburg University Data Science and Society+ 10 EC pre-master
Eindhoven University of TechnologyData Science in Business and Entrepreneurship+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenDDM Finance + aanv. eisen
VU University AmsterdamDigital Business and Innovation+ aanvullende vakeisen
Erasmus University RotterdamEconometrics and Management Sciencegeen aanvullende eisen
Tilburg University Econometrics and Mathematical Economicsgeen aanvullende eisen
VU University AmsterdamEconometrics and Operations Researchgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenEconometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Studiesgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenEconomic Development and Globalizationgeen aanvullende eisen
VU University AmsterdamEconomics+ aanvullende vakeisen
University of GroningenEconomicsgeen aanvullende eisen
Erasmus University RotterdamEconomics and Businessgeen aanvullende eisen
VU University AmsterdamTinbergen Institute (Research)+ aanvullende vakeisen
University of TwenteEducatie in de Bètawetenschappen full-time,part-time+ aanv. eisen
Delft University of TechnologyEngineering and Policy Analysis+ basiskennis
+ motivatiebrief
VU University AmsterdamFinance+ aanvullende vakeisen
University of GroningenFinance+ aanv. eisen
VU University AmsterdamFinancial Management+ aanvullende vakeisen
Erasmus University RotterdamFiscale Economie+ 60 EC pre-master
Delft University of TechnologyIndustrial Ecology+ aanv. eisen
University of AmsterdamData Science+ aanv. eisen
Eindhoven University of TechnologyInnovation Management+ 30 EC pre-master
University of GroningenInternational Business and Managementgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenInternational Financial Managementgeen aanvullende eisen
Utrecht UniversityLeraar VHO algemene economie full-time,part-time educational+ 90 EC pre-master
Leiden UniversityLeraar VHO in Wiskunde educational+ 72 EC pre-master
Utrecht UniversityLeraar VHO wiskunde (1 jarig) educational+ 72 EC pre-master
University of AmsterdamLerarenopleiding Wiskunde educational+ 72 EC pre-master
University of GroningenManagement Accounting and Controlgeen aanvullende eisen
VU University AmsterdamMarketing+ aanvullende vakeisen
University of GroningenMarketinggeen aanvullende eisen
Tilburg University Marketing Analytics+ aanvullende vakeisen
Master Design Driven Innovation part-time+ toelatingsgesprek
University of GroningenMSc Marketing - Marketing Analytics and Data Sciencegeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenMSc Marketing - Marketing Managementgeen aanvullende eisen
Eindhoven University of TechnologyOperations Management & Logistics+ 30 EC pre-master
Tilburg University Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Sciencegeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenReal Estate Studies+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenResearch Master in Economics and Business researchgeen aanvullende eisen
Eindhoven University of TechnologyLeraar VHO Wiskunde educational+ 12 EC pre-master
Delft University of TechnologyLeraar VHO Wiskunde educational+ 12 EC pre-master
Serious Gaming part-time+ toelatingsgesprek
University of GroningenSmall Business and Entrepreneurshipgeen aanvullende eisen
VU University AmsterdamSpatial, Transport and Environmental Economics+ aanvullende vakeisen
University of GroningenStrategic Innovation Managementgeen aanvullende eisen
Erasmus University RotterdamSupply Chain Management+ basiskennis
University of GroningenSupply Chain Managementgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenSustainability Management and Controlling profile+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenTechnology and Operations Managementgeen aanvullende eisen
Delft University of TechnologyTransport, Infrastructure and Logisticsgeen aanvullende eisen

Potentiële beroepen

actuary (insurance, pensions)
consultant (logistics, finance, insurance, marketing, healthcare, energy, supply chain management)
quantitative analyst (logistics, finance, banking, insurance, marketing, healthcare, energy)
researcher (university, government, research institute, central banks)
risk manager (financial sector)
bron: StudieData


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Are you a prospective student? Fill in this contact form (FEB)

We will answer your question within 72 hours.

Meer informatie?
Bezoek de website van deze opleiding.

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