Information Science

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

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Deze opleiding

How do you build an efficient search engine? How can you improve Google Translate? How can you use machine learning to make a chatbot? And how do people use emoticons and hashtags on social media?

open_in_newstudy website

typeregulier, 180 EC
start1 september
taalvolledig Dutch
opleidingsduur3 jaar voltijd
numerus fixusnee
honoursheeft honours track

Information Science: the automatic processing of information

Information is sometimes compared with oil: unprocessed oil is useless, as is unprocessed information. But once processed, oil becomes a valuable commodity, and so does information. This is why it is important to develop good methods for processing information. The Bachelor’s programme Information Science teaches you how to gather and analyse information, present knowledge and interpret texts. Not by hand obviously, but by using computers and smart software, which you will also learn to develop.

Information Science in Groningen: artificial intelligence with language

Much unprocessed information is presented in plain text. This includes blogs, tweets, digital fora and newspaper articles, for example. You can extract a lot of interesting information from these texts. And that is what we do in Groningen: automatic analysis and verification, particularly of textual content. This is why the programme in Information Science at Groningen is taught at the Faculty of Arts. You will, however, be awarded a Bachelor of Science, because the nature of this three-year programme is essentially technical: it involves a lot of programming, optimizing information systems and applying machine learning (automatic predictions on the basis of patterns found in huge volumes of information).

N.B. The courses in this programme are mainly taught in Dutch, this is not an international BA-programme.

Waarom aan de University of Groningen?

At the UG, Information Science revolves around two main themes: computer linguistics and applications for the web. In addition, the programme is taught at the Faculty of Arts and focuses on data relevant to that area, such as text, language and web technology. This is a practical programme, which achieves a good balance between theory and practice.


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opbouwDisclaimer: The second and third-year course units shown in the table above are subject to change in the event of alterations to the programme
1e jaar In the first year, you learn about the field and acquire basic skills such as programming in Python and working with the Linux operating system. You will also expand your knowledge of digital communication, linguistics and internet technology. Most of the course units have a theoretical (lectures) and a practical (seminars) component.
Digital Communication
5 EC
Introduction to Information Science
5 EC
Introduction to Programming I
5 EC
Language Optimization
5 EC
Text Manipulation
5 EC
Introduction to Programming II
5 EC
Advanced Programming
5 EC
Web Technology
5 EC
Introduction to Research Methods
5 EC
Project Text Analysis
5 EC
Web Programming
5 EC
Annotation for Machine Learning
5 EC
2e jaar As the programme progresses, you will be taught more specialist subjects, such as search engines, social media, databases and database-driven web technology. You also encounter different aspects of artificial intelligence in the course units on human computer interaction, computational grammar, logical programming and machine learning. Two statistics course units prepare you for making analyses from the perspective of information science.
Search Engines
5 EC
5 EC
Introduction to Neural Networks
5 EC
Logic Programming
5 EC
Database-driven Webtechnology
5 EC
Conversational Interfaces
5 EC
Statistics I
5 EC
Computational Grammar
5 EC
Human Computer Interaction
5 EC
Statistics II
5 EC
Social Media
5 EC
5 EC
3e jaar In your final year, you are given one semester to personalize your programme by choosing a Minor. You can choose to go abroad for your Minor or to take a Faculty Minor, or you can follow a Minor at another university or faculty, or do a placement in your Minor. The second half of the third year is spent on in-depth course units (information retrieval and language technology), and the programme ends with a research project and a thesis.
Ba-scriptie Inf. met onderzoekswerkgroep keuzevak
10 EC
30 EC
BA Thesis & Research Seminar
10 EC
Machine Learning Project
5 EC
Machine Translation
5 EC
Language Technology afstuderen
5 EC
Ethical Aspects in Natural Language Processing
5 EC


major Electives

During the degree programme you will focus on several disciplines. In the second and third year you have the opportunity to (in addition to your Minor) choose additional electives. You can use these courses to choose a specialisation that suits you best, examples of specialisations are:

  • Law and IT
  • Business
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Linguistics
  • Communication

minor Minors

The fifth semester of your studies is dedicated to your Minor: a coherent set of future-oriented course units. It prepares you for a follow-on Master's degree program or for entering the labour market. You can opt for a Career Minor, a Minor abroad, a University Minor or a Faculty Minor.


taal van onderwijs100% nl
computer exercise, group discussion, individual assignment, integration module, internship, lecture, literature study, research project, oral presentation, practicum, project, self evaluation, self study, tutorial
study guidance
If you have any questions or doubts about your studies, you can always contact the study advisor. He or she knows all the ins and outs of the program, Minors, study abroad and personal planning. Study advisors are impartial and everything that is discussed is treated confidentially. They can also help you find the right institutions and student desks for your problems.
bindend studieadvies
  • minimaal 45 EC in de eerste 12 maanden

You will be offered study advice after the first year of study. You can expect a positive result if you have earned more than 45 ECTS credit points (out of a total of 60 ECTS). If you have earned fewer than 45 ECTS and are issued a negative result, you will not be allowed to continue with your degree programme.
You will receive preliminary study advice in December to make sure that you know where you stand. Please contact your study advisor as soon as possible if you have any questions about the BSA system.
N.B. Some degree programmes use a tutoring system; please check with your study advisor.

honours-/excellence program University of Groningen Honours College

The Honours College will give talented, motivated students the chance to be challenged even more by following Honours programmes and taking part in numerous other activities.

The Honours College comprises a broadening part and a deepening part and has a study load of 30 ECTS credit points besides the 180 ECTS credit points from your regular Bachelor programme.

Toelating en kosten


1 september 2025

aanmelding deadline : 1 mei 2025
wettelijk tarief : € 2601 (€1301 in het eerste jaar)
instellingstarief : € 11800
niet-EU/EER studenten : € 13500

1 september 2026

aanmelding deadline : 1 mei 2026
collegegeld nog niet bekend

toelaatbare profielen
VWO N&Taangevuld met Met het VWO examen Engels voldoe je aan de taaleis.
VWO N&Gaangevuld met Met het VWO examen Engels voldoe je aan de taaleis.
VWO E&Maangevuld met Met het VWO examen Engels voldoe je aan de taaleis.
VWO C&Maangevuld met Met het VWO examen Engels voldoe je aan de taaleis.
Aangevuld met Wiskunde A of Wiskunde B. Heb je Wiskunde C gedaan, dan moet dit aangevuld worden met een behaalde toets van de Centrale Commissie Voortentamen ( of het Bosswell Beta Instituut (
hbo-pTaaleis Engels: minimum TOEFL eis iBT 90 (met een minimum van 21 voor alle onderdelen), of IELTS 6.5 (met een minimum van 6 voor alle onderdelen). Cambridge C1 Advanced of C2 Proficiency met een minimum score van 180.
Klik op de link voor meer informatie over de taaleis:

Aangevuld met een behaalde toets van de Centrale Commissie Voortentamen ( of het Bosswell Beta Instituut (

De stad


ASCI is a study association for the students of Information Science at the University of Groningen.
ASCI's main aim is to represent the interests of its members and to stimulate contact between the students, companies and the faculty of Arts of the University of Groningen. In this way, ASCI organizes a vast array of activities such as socials and trips.


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1/3 University of Groningen
€ 303 gemiddelde kamerhuur
19 eerstejaars
10% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
2/3 Utrecht University
€ 336 gemiddelde kamerhuur
79 eerstejaars
34% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
3/3 University of Amsterdam
€ 424 gemiddelde kamerhuur
50 eerstejaars
16% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
disclaimer: bovenstaande cijfers en beoordelingen zijn aangeleverd door de opleidingen zelf. Wij kunnen de juistheid niet garanderen.

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opleidinggelijkenis met Information Science
Communication and Information Studies

Na de studie

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If you want to continue with a Master's degree programme after your graduation, as most students do, you will have a wide range of programmes to choose from. With a Bachelor's degree in Information Science, you have access to the following Master's tracks at the University of Groningen:

When this BA programme is combined with certain faculty minors, you gain direct access to more Master’s tracks, such as Communication Studies, Dutch Studies (Dutch taught) and Journalism.

Beroepsperspectief / arbeidsmarkt

Information scientists currently have excellent job prospects. This is hardly surprising, considering how many companies (both large and small) are simply unable to cope with all the information that they have at their disposal. Information scientists can also help to improve the communication between companies and their clients (for example, through the use of chat bots for customer services, personalized advertisements and the automatic analysis of social media for product reviews).

After completing the BSc Information Science, you will have acquired the following set of skills:

- To work with different computer programming languages and environments, and you will pick up new programming languages quite easily

- To develop, implement and evaluate complex data-processing systems

- To use statistics to accurately analyze different data-types

- To determine which techniques and methods from artificial intelligence and language technologies should be employed

Our graduates go on to work in a wide range of companies. Examples include Anchormen, Atos, Belsimpel, DUO, Fox IT, Goldman Sachs, IBM, Sogeti, and Wehkamp. Many of our students already receive job offers at IT companies before they graduate. But some of them are more entrepreneurial and find an untapped market in which to start up their own companies. Alumni from Groningen have started up countless successful IT companies, many of them in collaboration with fellow students. Three success stories are: Crowdy News (social content curation), Flocker (online marketing), Klippa (digital invoicing).

aansluitende masteropleidingen

University of GroningenApplied Linguistics - TEFL+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenArtificial Intelligence+ 60 EC pre-master
Utrecht UniversityBusiness Informatics researchgeen aanvullende eisen
Erasmus University RotterdamBusiness Information Management+ basiskennis
University of TwenteBusiness Information Technologygeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenCommunicatie en Educatie+ aanv. eisen
Tilburg University Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenCommunicatiekunde+ 60 EC pre-master
University of GroningenComputational Cognitive Sciencegeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenComputercommunicatiegeen aanvullende eisen
Utrecht UniversityComputing Science researchgeen aanvullende eisen
Eindhoven University of TechnologyData Science in Business and Entrepreneurship+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenDigital Humanitiesgeen aanvullende eisen
Delft University of TechnologyEngineering and Policy Analysis+ basiskennis
+ motivatiebrief
Utrecht UniversityGame and Media Technology researchgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenGeschiedenis+ 30 EC pre-master
University of GroningenGriekse en Latijnse Taal en Cultuur+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenHistory and Heritage Consultancy+ aanv. eisen
Utrecht UniversityHistory and Philosophy of Science researchgeen aanvullende eisen
Utrecht UniversityHuman Computer Interactiongeen aanvullende eisen
Eindhoven University of TechnologyHuman-Technology Interaction+ 30 EC pre-master
University of GroningenInformatiekundegeen aanvullende eisen
VU University AmsterdamInformation Sciencesgeen aanvullende eisen
University of AmsterdamData Sciencegeen aanvullende eisen
University of AmsterdamInformation Systems+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenLanguage and Cognition research+ aanv. eisen
Master Design Driven Innovation part-time+ toelatingsgesprek
University of GroningenMidden-Oostenstudies+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenMultilingualism+ aanv. eisen
Tilburg University Organization and Management Studies+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenOude Geschiedenis part-time+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenPolitics, Organizations and Learning Histories+ aanv. eisen
Utrecht UniversityScience and Business Management researchgeen aanvullende eisen
Utrecht UniversityScience Education and Communication educationalgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenTheoretical and Empirical Linguisticsgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenPast, Present and Future+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenVertalen in Europa+ aanv. eisen

Potentiële beroepen

content manager
data analytics consultant
data scientist
fraud analyst
information specialist
online marketeer
operational risk manager
security consultant
software developer
bron: StudieData


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Marieke Schelhaas

Student Ambassador

Admission Office (Contact form)
T: +31-(0)50 363 8976
W: Admission Office (Contact form)
Meer informatie?
Bezoek de website van deze opleiding.

open_in_newstudy website