Deze opleiding

Learn about the social-philosophical methodology of critical theory and its approaches to politics and culture, specifically political and social crises, power, ideology, mass culture, and aesthetics.

typesummer course
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur0 dagen voltijd

Critical theory, in the tradition of the Frankfurt School, aims to develop a philosophical understanding and evaluation of social conflicts in contemporary societies. It engages not only with classic philosophy but also with the social sciences, psychoanalysis and aesthetics. In this summer school we will examine classic questions and contemporary debates in critical theory and their relevance for understanding crisis in present-day societies.

The summer school will feature lectures by distinguished researchers in contemporary critical theory, discussing their ongoing research projects, and roundtable workshops on selected classic texts as well as discussions of student papers. Our discussions aim at inspiring new insights with societal relevance. Critical theory’s interdisciplinary engagement with philosophy will allow you to develop new perspectives for your own research.

The summer school aims at generating discussions among researchers at all career stages. Advanced bachelor students are especially encouraged to attend and actively participate in the summer school.


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T: 050-3639011
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