faculty of Spatial Sciences

The Faculty of Spatial Sciences is a growing faculty with an open character, that has short lines between staff and students.

There are four departments: Cultural Geography, Demography, Economic Geography and Planning. The research themes of the Faculty of Spatial Sciences are Wellbeing, Innovation and Spatial Transformation,and the mission of our faculty is to produce research which isworld-leading, distinctive, and policy-relevant to these major issues faced by contemporary society. With two bachelor and eight master programmes, the faculty offers a wide range of courses within the field to about 900 students. The faculty conducts both fundamental and applied research. The faculty in Groningen is the only independent faculty of Spatial Sciences in the Netherlands.


man: 617 vrouw: 285


E :
T : 050-3633895/
W : http://www.rug.nl/frw/


faculty of Spatial Sciences
Landleven 1
9747 AD Groningen


faculty of Spatial Sciences