Deze opleiding

Develop technologies required for analyzing, distributing and visualizing geo-spatial data.

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typeregulier, 14 EC
start1 april
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur75 dagen voltijd
Geo-spatial data is the major driver of today’s information society. More Big Geo Data than ever is being created by smart phones, satellites, and sensors. This data is used for an increasing number of scientific purposes that aim to benefit the world. It’s a matter of gathering, analyzing, distributing and visualizing the data to make it fit for specific use, e.g. in systems for improving agricultural practice or creating healthy cities. The technologies supporting these processes are at the core of geoinformatics.

Effectively acquiring and efficiently managing these amounts of data takes more than skills. It also requires keeping pace with ongoing technological developments and understanding how to interpret them. The course Advanced Geoinformatics offers you the possibility to expand your competencies and skills in advanced data acquisition and information extraction methods or focus more on the integration of state-of-the-art methods in geospatial workflows. You will learn to design and develop algorithms, models, and tools that can process geo-spatial data into reliable, actionable information.


taal van onderwijs100% en

Toelating en kosten


28 april 2025

aanmelding deadline : 15 februari 2025
collegegeld nog niet bekend


Applicants should have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized university in a discipline related to the course, preferably combined with working experience in a relevant field.

Applicants should have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized university in a discipline related to the course, preferably combined with working experience in a relevant field.

studie kosten
bron: University of Twente
bedrag kostenpost
€ 3300levensonderhoudvoor de gehele opleiding
€ 154voor de gehele opleiding


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1/12 University of Twente
Advanced Geoinformatics
€ 250 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
2/12 University of Twente
Water, Climate and Cities (online course)
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? eerstejaars
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? uur contacttijd/week
3/12 University of Twente
Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, with Capital Normal University, Beijing, China
€ 250 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
4/12 University of Twente
Geo-Health - 5EC (online course)
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? eerstejaars
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Geo-Health - 7EC (online course)
€ 250 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
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? uur contacttijd/week
6/12 University of Twente
Geo-information Science and Earth Observation
€ 250 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
7/12 University of Twente
Applications of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation
€ 250 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
8/12 University of Twente
Geo-information Science and Earth Observation with Chang'an University, Xi'an, China
€ 250 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
9/12 University of Twente
Geo-information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management
€ 250 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
10/12 University of Twente
Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing
€ 250 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
11/12 University of Twente
Principles of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation
€ 250 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
12/12 University of Twente
Geoinformatics, with Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
disclaimer: bovenstaande cijfers en beoordelingen zijn aangeleverd door de opleidingen zelf. Wij kunnen de juistheid niet garanderen.