International Relations in Historical Perspective

Universiteit Utrecht

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diplomama M Internationale betrekkingen
start1 september
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur12 maanden voltijd
numerus fixusnee
During the course of this Master's programme you will gain a greater understanding of the parties involved, and prepare yourself for a future as a participant in the game of global politics.

Political theory is an important tool in the analysis of international developments. In order to fully understand those developments, however, you need a wider historical viewpoint. Nothing is without its history – and while history never repeats itself exactly, you can learn a great deal from it. By bridging history and political science, the Master of International Relations in Historical Perspective (IR/HP) offers in-depth insight into both worlds.

As part of the MA programme, you can choose to participate in an internship of at least three months (Practice track). With an internship, you will put your knowledge and skills into practice, and this experience will form an important part of your resume. Recent studies show that 80% of students who took part in an internship found employment within a year of graduating.


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