Coastal and Marine Management

Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein

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Deze opleiding

typeregulier, 240 EC
start1 september
taaldeels Dutch
deels English
opleidingsduur4 jaar voltijd

Waarom aan de Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences?


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specialisatie Marine Policy

By specialising in Marine Policy, you will use your knowledge of marine life, business and law to develop policies and regulations for a sustainable use of marine resources and coastal zones.

A lot of people claim that coastal zones belong to everybody. Think of fishermen, oil companies, environmental activists and recreationists. As a coastal and marine manager, you know the various interests surrounding the coast and weigh them against each other. In the Marine Policy specialisation, you will be taking courses on ecology, marine and general law, communications and research methods. Besides a solid theoretical background, you will also acquire lots of practical experience. You do field work and two five-month placements. This way, you will have enough time to figure out what kind of career path you would like to follow within the marine policy sector. If you like learning by doing, then the Marine Policy specialisation is definitely the right fit for you!

specialisatie Marine Biology

By specialising in Marine Biology, you study the marine ecosystem with its marine organisms and the interactions between them, particularly in the coastal and marine zone.

The coastal and marine zone is an extremely dynamic area where conditions are often dire. Sometimes plagued by droughts, sometimes by flooding, with constantly changing salt concentrations and temperatures: tidal organisms have to be able to adapt to these conditions. The more we know about the sea flora and fauna living in coastal and marine zones, the better we can predict what consequences human activities such as beach replenishment have on coastal sea life. As a student of Marine Biology, you will not only study marine life in coastal and marine zones, but also get to do exciting internships where you conduct research on coral in Hawaii, or monitor killer whales in Canada. Placements allow you to learn about your potential future international workplace. In the Netherlands, you can find plenty of exciting topics for your placement or graduation assignment at research institutes such as IMARES and NIOZ. You can, for instance, try to research the diet of the porpoise or the white beaked dolphin. The Marine Biology specialisation prepares you for what you will experience in your future work field and teaches you how to do relevant research. If you are truly fascinated by marine life, then the Marine Biology specialisation is the right match for you!

specialisatie Marine Resources

This specialisation will mainly focus on the sustainable use of coastal and marine area.


taal van onderwijs50% nl
50% en
bindend studieadvies
  • minimaal 46 EC in de eerste 12 maanden

Toelating en kosten

toelaatbare profielen
havo N&Ttoelaatbaar
havo N&Gtoelaatbaar
havo E&Mtoelaatbaar
havo C&Mwiskunde A
vwo N&Ttoelaatbaar
vwo N&Gtoelaatbaar
vwo E&Mtoelaatbaar
vwo C&Mwiskunde A of B
MBO niveau 4Studenten met een mbo-diploma niveau 4 zijn toelaatbaar. Voor een goede kans op succes worden de vakken Nederlands, Engels en wiskunde A of B op havo-eindexamenniveau ten zeerste aanbevolen.

Na de studie

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aansluitende masteropleidingen

Wageningen UniversityAquaculture and Marine Resource Management+ aanv. eisen
Wageningen UniversityClimate Studies+ aanv. eisen
Wageningen UniversityCommunication, Health and Life Sciences+ 30 EC pre-master
Wageningen UniversityDevelopment and Rural Innovation+ aanv. eisen
Wageningen UniversityEarth and Environment+ basiskennis
+ motivatiebrief
+ toelatingsgesprek
+ cijfergemiddelde
University of TwenteEnvironmental & Energy Management+ 30 EC pre-master
Wageningen UniversityEnvironmental Sciences+ aanv. eisen
Wageningen UniversityForest and Nature Conservation+ aanv. eisen
Wageningen UniversityGeo-information Science+ aanv. eisen
Rotterdam University of Applied SciencesRiver Delta Developmentgeen aanvullende eisen
Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied SciencesRiver Delta Developmentgeen aanvullende eisen
University of TwenteSpatial Engineering+ 30 EC pre-master

Potentiƫle beroepen

beleidsmedewerker milieu
bron: UWV


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