Life Science and Technology

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

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Deze opleiding

Do you want to use a microscope to study cells, but also understand how the microscope itself works? Do you want to design and synthesize molecules that can target specific molecules, cells or organs? What chemical reactions happen in the body when taking medication? Are you looking for a diversity in courses and a multidisciplinary approach to scientific questions?

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typeregulier, 180 EC
start1 september
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur3 jaar voltijd
numerus fixusnee

In this degree programme in Life Science and Technology (LST) you will learn how to find answers to questions like these. This degree programme combines elements from a variety of disciplines, including chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics/computing sciences and pharmacology. You will learn how to use this knowledge so you can look at problems from different scientific angles.

Our lecturers study the intricate details of living organisms, each with their own perspective. If we want to understand signaling through our nervous system, we must understand electricity and charge differences across biological membranes. If we want to make more effective drugs, we have to understand the chemistry involved in creating drugs – and what happens to those drugs in the body.

These are just a few examples of the things we explore. By the time you start this programme, numerous other new research projects will undoubtedly have started up. You're bound to find something that arouses your interest.

Life Science and Technology
De zoektocht naar nieuwe antibiotica

Waarom aan de University of Groningen?

  • Life Science and Technology is a combination of different disciplines, including physics, chemistry, and biology with applications extending to biotechnology, health care and business
  • This Bachelor's starts with a broad programme, after which you can make your choice for more specialized directions, like biomolecular sciences, molecular pharmacology, biophysics, and many more
  • Our faculty is the home of the Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry, Ben Feringa, and in Physics, Frits Zernike


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The first year covers basic topics that are essential to the fields of biology, chemistry and physics. You will gain a solid foundation in the principles underlying a wide range of state-of-the-art technologies used in the life sciences and their applications.

The first year starts with courses such as Optics, Biochemistry, Mammalian Cell Biology and practical courses. In the second year you continue with courses covering the breadth of the natural sciences, such as Bioinorganic Chemistry, Spectroscopic Tools, and Applied Microbiology. During the third year, students can choose courses from a variety of disciplines to prepare for a Master's degree programme. These disciplines include pharmaceutical sciences, biology, chemistry, and physics. You will complete your Bachelor's programme with a research project in the speciality of your choice. Outstanding students can deepen and broaden their knowledge with an additional programme offered by the University of Groningen Honours College.

You can find a complete overview of all courses on:

A Bachelor's degree consists of 180 ECTS in total. Credits per year: 60 ECTS; most courses are 5 ECTS.

Biochemistry for LST
Calculus for LST
Mammalian Cell Biology
Organic Chemistry for Life Science 1
Pharmaceutical Analysis A
Practical Course Optics and Cell Biology
Principles of Physiology
Programming for Life Sciences
Scientific Reading and Communication Skills


taal van onderwijs100% en
bindend studieadvies
  • minimaal 45 EC in de eerste 12 maanden

Toelating en kosten


1 september 2024

aanmelding deadline : 1 mei 2024
wettelijk tarief : € 2530 (€1265 in het eerste jaar)
instellingstarief : € 13100
niet-EU/EER studenten : € 19300

1 september 2025

aanmelding deadline : 1 mei 2025
collegegeld nog niet bekend

toelaatbare profielen
VWO N&Ttoelaatbaar
VWO N&Gaangevuld met wiskunde B + natuurkunde
VWO E&Maangevuld met wiskunde B + natuurkunde + scheikunde
VWO C&Maangevuld met wiskunde B + natuurkunde + scheikunde

Language proficiency certificate for English (except for applicants with a Dutch pre-university education (VWO) as well as the exemptions listed on the language exemptions webpage). More info:

De stad


GLV Idun
Groninger LevenswetenschappenVereniging Idun is the study association for Biology, Life Science & Technology, Biomedical Engineering, and their connecting master programs.
The association organises various activities, from social activities, like our weekly drinks, or even traveling abroad. In addition, Idun also organizes career/education-related activities like company visits and lunch lectures. GLV Idun contributes to a fun student time by bringing students together, and preparing her members for their career ahead!

aan het woord: studenten en docenten

Andele Veltman
The programme combines courses and aspects from the complete range of natural disciplines

I decided to study Life Science and Technology, because of its interdisciplinary character. This entails basically that it combines courses and aspects from the complete range of natural disciplines. So, you will follow in your first two years courses covering all kinds of topics, where one may be more biology focused while another course may be chemistry oriented. For me this was ideal at the time since I did not yet fully know what fields I liked most and wanted to pursue. The first two years allowed me to figure out my own interests...
I am really interested in all the chemical processes going on in the human body that allow it to function as it does. So, really focusing on the molecular interactions that occur between proteins and ligands. Before I started my specialization, I followed an introductory minor in Philosophy. Compared to LS&T this was something completely different, yet I found it a very interesting and inspirational half-year. So, I decided to also continue with the Bsc. Philosophy of the Life Sciences, which hopefully will allow me to apply a philosophical perspective to issues in the life sciences. After my specialization, I am planning to continue my studies in the masters Biomolecular Sciences and Biology. In the Msc. Biology, I will follow the Science, Business and Policy track which among other things includes a half-year internship at a biotechnological consultancy company. In this way, I hope to be able – after my studies - to combine my academic skills and enthusiasm in a more business-focused environment.

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Joy Ranzijn
The variety in courses prevents boredom and creates diversity

I decided to study Life Science & Technology because I’m interested in the world of science. I think it’s super cool and fascinating how our body is composed of cells and even smaller; molecules that can form such a complex organism which can move, think and feel. I enjoyed math and chemistry in high school, biology was interesting most of the time and physics I either hated or loved depending on the subject. Now that I am in my second year of LST I know better where my interests lie, although I am still unsure what master’s I want to pursue after my degree...
The variety in courses prevents boredom and creates diversity. Every student in our degree has different specialities and qualities which creates this great opportunity to work together and learn from each other. Besides the scientific knowledge I have acquired so far, I’ve also learnt to step out of my comfort zone, to not be afraid to speak up and to actively participate in class (which I am still struggling with sometimes, to be honest).Nobel prize-winner Ben Feringa recently mentioned in an interview he started studying again from a biomedical book, just like first years, so he better understands ‘the language’ of researchers in the medical field*. This felt like a confirmation to me of the value of our interdisciplinary bachelor. At the interface of different scientific fields, many awesome discoveries are still yet to be made! *[] (at 40:55)

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Daria Georgiana Costache
Life Science and Technology perfectly intertwines vast theoretical knowledge with valuable practical laboratory work and scientific writing skills.

Science has played a key part in my life for as long as I can remember, however it was only in high school that I actually found a true passion for Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology. I knew I wanted to help people further on in my career, but I was not inclined towards becoming a doctor or going into one scientific field in particular...
Considering LS&T encompasses courses from all the fields of science, I was expecting it to challenge me at times and was concerned about adapting to a more self-study approach and to cultural factors related to the Dutch higher education system. Luckily, despite the hardships I’ve encountered, I've also been greatly surprised by how everyone in university, from staff to fellow students, has always happily helped me understand and apply concepts we use in Organic Chemistry or Microbiology or even Quantum Mechanics.After graduation, I'm thinking of doing a masters in a field that combines drug development with either neuroscience, immunology or genetics. They are all fields I'm passionate about and good entry points for the research I want to pursue in the field of neurodegenerative or autoimmune diseases. Besides my studies, I'm active in the life sciences’ study association, GLV Idun, chairing the Career Committee in organizing various events throughout the year. I'm also working a couple of jobs part time and desperately trying to make time to go to the gym. Overall, I consider student life to be a great and challenging time of one’s life, and doing Life Science and Technology at the University of Groningen has certainly helped me grow as both a (future) professional, but also as a person who can be independent, manage their time right, study efficiently and have fun with my friends.

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Marit van Kampen
Questions that intrigue me

I chose this degree programme because I am interested in how life works. How did we develop? How will we continue to evolve? These are the questions that intrigue me. In addition, I really enjoyed studying biology in secondary school, especially the internal processes of cells and animals. By following this degree programme, I was able to continue to learn about bodies and evolution whilst also gaining all the skills required to become a successful scientist and researcher.

The objective of the Life Science and Technology degree programme is to understand life...
Since this programme comprises course units from many different disciplines, there will always be at least one course unit per semester that you will really like.LST is a very, very technical take on the natural sciences. It is much more than just biology, chemistry, or physics. Most of the course units that are taught in the programme are organized by other degree programmes at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, but are then modified to some extent. This means that the cell biology course unit that you might follow might be mostly similar to the one taught to biology students, but the course unit on optics will lay more focus on practical applications (microscopes) than an average physics student might ever need. Most often, the course units will be intertwined and combined to create something with a practical outcome.

General impressions aside: this degree programme is very interesting. In my opinion, it is definitely one of the harder programmes offered at the moment. Not because the course units are too difficult or the lecturers do not provide proper explanations, but because you have to be good at everything.

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Thomas Westerhuis
Being a student can mean so much more than just studying

Hello! My name is Thomas Westerhuis, I am a 22-year-old student and I have been living in Groningen for four and a half years. I started studying at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, where I did the Bachelor's programme in Biology and Medical Laboratory Research.

During those years, I developed a love for the complexity that life has to offer. The unlimited processes that need to work together flawlessly to keep the biological cell functioning have always inspired my awe and wonder...
During your studies, you can embark on various social, sport, or other activities which allow you to meet a lot of different people. As for me, I became enthused by GLV Idun, the study association for the Biology, Biomedical Engineering, and Life Science and Technology programmes. This year I became part of the board as chair of the association. As chairman, it is my job to manage the association and the board. My main occupation is making sure that the day-to-day tasks are fulfilled, but I also ensure that we reach the goals set in our policy, and make sure that we keep track of our long-term vision.
I would recommend that you become active during your time at the University, as being a student can mean so much more than just studying. Whether you join a committee, a board, or a student assistantship at the University. Judging from my own experience, such positions can greatly benefit your personal, social, and organizational skills. Above all, I want to emphasize that it is also a lot of fun to take these kinds of responsibilities.

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Sabrina Krepel
You can design your own experiments

Rianne Prins
There is still so much to discover

I currently work as a PhD student in the Molecular Microbiology group, under the supervision of Dr Billerbeck ( During my undergraduate studies, I followed course units in general subjects such as ecology, maths, biochemistry and genetics, plus a Minor in medicine, and I found myself intrigued by immunology and microbiology.

I took part in the IGEM competition and started to develop an interest in synthetic biology and biotechnology...
These proteins are produced by yeast, which likely helps to compete for nutrients by killing other yeast and fungi in its environment. Killer toxins are interesting for many reasons, one particular reason being the rise in antimicrobial resistance, which urges the need for novel effective antimicrobial compounds. Some killer toxins can kill important human pathogens, such as Candida glabrata, and may be helpful in fighting these infections in the future. We isolate yeast from the environment to find novel killer toxins, investigate the properties, activity and function of these toxins, and use directed evolution to engineer them. When I arrive at work in the morning, I usually check whether the yeast or bacteria for my experiment have grown, or I analyse the results of experiments carried out the day before. We meet weekly to discuss our results and to help each other solve any problems we may have come across. I spend part of the day in the lab, doing experiments, and part in the office, analysing the data on the computer or planning new experiments.It is amazing to see how life works at the molecular level, and there is still so much to discover about the world that we live in! Hopefully, what we learn will help us to build a better and more sustainable world. We have the freedom to follow our curiosity, to come up with hypotheses and to try them out in the lab. I like how my work is both theoretical and practical. Sometimes, when you encounter problems during experiments, it takes some time to figure things out – but with a little patience and perseverance, we are usually able to solve any challenges together.

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Na de studie

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Beroepsperspectief / arbeidsmarkt

During the Life Science & Technology programme, you will develop a scientific way of thinking that you will use to solve practical problems. This analytical perspective is useful in all kinds of work, so you will have plenty of career options after graduating.

After the Bachelor's programme you can move on to one of the Master's programmes in Chemistry, Biomolecular Sciences, Physics, Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences or Energy and Environmental Sciences. Within these Master's degree programmes, you can do research projects or internships in fields that interest you. For better examples of job prospects, check the information offered by Master's degree programmes at FSE.

Academic research

A lot of graduates become researchers, either for a short while or as a long-term career. The type of research will depend on the discipline you specialize in. You can ask lecturers about their own research. They all love what they do and will be happy to help students who are interested in their particular discipline. The research you end up doing will depend on what themes are topical at that moment, and of course what interests you!

Business, Policy, or Education

There are many other options in addition to becoming a researcher. Several Master’s degree programmes can help you prepare for a job outside of academic research. The Science Business & Policy track trains you for a job in a company or a governmental organization. With Science Education and Communication, you can become a teacher or a science journalist.

Both technology and society change rapidly in ways we can’t predict. Chances are that by the time you graduate with a Master’s degree programme, you end up with a job that doesn’t even exist yet.

aansluitende masteropleidingen

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Delft University of TechnologyBiomedical Engineering+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenBiomolecular Sciences+ aanv. eisen
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University of GroningenHealth+ 25 EC pre-master
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Radboud University NijmegenEducatie in de Bètawetenschappen educational+ aanv. eisen
University of TwenteEducatie in de Bètawetenschappen full-time,part-time+ 30 EC pre-master
University of GroningenEnergy and Environmental Sciencesgeen aanvullende eisen
Utrecht UniversityHistory and Philosophy of Science researchgeen aanvullende eisen
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Utrecht UniversityInnovation Sciences research+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenInnovative Medicinegeen aanvullende eisen
Utrecht UniversityLeraar VHO biologie full-time,part-time educational+ 72 EC pre-master
Leiden UniversityLeraar VHO in Biologie educational+ 72 EC pre-master
Utrecht UniversityLeraar VHO scheikunde full-time,part-time educational+ 60 EC pre-master
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University of AmsterdamLerarenopleiding Biologie part-time educational+ 72 EC pre-master
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Radboud University NijmegenMolecular Chemistry+ aanv. eisen
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+ cijfergemiddelde
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Potentiële beroepen

bio(medisch) technoloog
docent biologie, scheikunde
bron: StudieData


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