
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

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Deze opleiding

How old is the Universe? How do galaxies develop? What is found between the stars? How are planetary systems formed? Are you fascinated by questions like these? Then Astronomy is right for you!

open_in_newstudy website

typeregulier, 180 EC
start1 september
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur3 jaar voltijd
numerus fixusnee

If you are interested in natural sciences, this international programme will appeal to you. You will study the physical processes in the universe, which means that physics and mathematics are an important part of the programme.

Our three-year programme has been frequently voted as a top-degree Astronomy programme in the Netherlands and has a regular intake of more than 70 students, ensuring many contact hours and availability of excellent facilities. You still have the opportunity to switch to (Applied) Mathematics in the first semester and you can still switch to (Applied) Physics in the first year. This means you can never go wrong!

Nearly every year sees spectacular discoveries in the field of astronomy. These are largely driven by technological advances. In Groningen you can concentrate on a wide range of topics such as our milky way, the structure and dynamics of galaxies, the universe itself and the formation of planetary systems, as well as the development and improvement of instruments. Our broad programme even offers a specialization in instrumentation and informatics in the minor phase as an alternative to the general Astronomy minor.

Groningen astronomers belong to the top of the world. Astronomy research has been carried out at Groningen University since 1883. They have been heavily involved in the construction and use of the Westerbork radio telescope (WSRT). At the moment they play a key role in the development and use of the LOFAR network of radio telescopes and the future Square Kilometer Array, while leading the development of instruments for the upcoming Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) in Chile. They also have key roles in space projects, such as leading the development of the HIFI detector in the Herschel satellite, the data processing center of the upcoming Euclid cosmology satellite, while having a leading role in the Gaia satellite mapping of our Milky Way.

Sophie van Mierlo, student of Astronomy

Waarom aan de University of Groningen?

- The Astronomy programme in Groningen offers you space to better orientate yourself in your study choice. It is possible to switch to Physics, Applied Physics or Mathematics during the first year.
- The University of Groningen has its very own observatory! As an Astronomy student you can use it to your own benefit and apply what you learn directly and make exciting observations.
- Groningen has good connections with research institutes such as SRON (satellites instrumentation) and ASTRON (radio-astronomy).


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Astronomy in Groningen stands out for its academic excellence and research orientation. The work pace in the first year is generally high and the course contents demanding. The first year curriculum concentrates on laying a sound basis in mathematics and physics. The third year includes a free minor, as well as a research project which is carried out in one of the research groups.

Credits per year: 60 ECTS; most courses are 5 ECTS.
Please be advised that students of the Faculty of Science and Engineering are expected to adhere to our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, ensuring seamless integration of personal electronic devices for academic purposes. For more detailed information on our BYOD policy, please visit our webpage.

1e jaar
Linear Algebra
Electives: Introduction Astronomy, Introduction Energy & Environment, Medical Physics, Introduction in Nanophysics, Medical Physics & Biophysics, Physics of Modern Technology, Physics of Quantum Universe
Calculus for Physics 1 and 2
Mathematical Physics
Mechanics and Relativity
Introduction to Programming and Computational Methods
Physics Lab Skills
Electricity and Magnetism
Observational Astronomy
2e jaar
Complex Analysis
Numerical Methods
Physics, Astronomy, Ethics and Society
Statistics for Astronomy
Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
Waves and Optics
Physics of Galaxies
Physics of Stars
Quantum Physics 1 & 2
Structure of Matter 1
3e jaar
Bachelor's Project (15 ECTS)
Advanced Electrodynamics
Astrophysical Hydrodynamics
Interstellar Medium


taal van onderwijs100% en
study abroad
Exchange: All our science and engineering programmes offer study abroad possibilities at a number of partner institutions. Our partners include top-100 universities in Europe (for example in Germany, UK, and Sweden) and in the USA, China, South-East Asia, and South America. Our exchange programmes have a typical duration of one semester and count toward your final degree.
bindend studieadvies
  • minimaal 45 EC in de eerste 12 maanden

You will be issued a study advice at the end of your first year of study. You can expect a positive study advice if you have earned at least 45 ECTS credit points (out of a total of 60 ECTS; most course units are 5 ECTS). If you have earned fewer than 45 ECTS and are issued a negative study advice, you will not be allowed to continue your degree programme.
You will receive a preliminary study advice in December to make sure that you know where you are.
Please contact your study advisor as soon as possible if you have any questions about the BSA system.

Toelating en kosten


1 september 2025

aanmelding deadline : 1 mei 2025
wettelijk tarief : € 2601 (€1301 in het eerste jaar)
instellingstarief : € 13500
niet-EU/EER studenten : € 19800

1 september 2026

aanmelding deadline : 1 mei 2026
collegegeld nog niet bekend

toelaatbare profielen
VWO N&Ttoelaatbaar
VWO N&Gaangevuld met wiskunde B + natuurkunde
VWO E&Maangevuld met wiskunde B + natuurkunde
VWO C&Maangevuld met wiskunde B + natuurkunde

Language proficiency certificate for English (except for applicants with a Dutch vwo-diploma as well as the exemptions listed on the language exemptions webpage). More info:

De stad


Sirius A
Sirius A is the study association for astronomy in Groningen, the Netherlands. Astronomy in Groningen is taught at the Kapteyn Institute and is part of the University of Groningen.
Besides aiding you in your study, Sirius A informs you on future career prospects, promotes social bonding between you and your fellow students by many events and gives you the opportunity to participate in voluntary work and explore your qualities. Furthermore, Sirius A is always open for cooperation. Please contact us if you have any questions or queries.
The FMF is an association for the Bachelor's programmes Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, Applied Physics, Physics, Astronomy and all of the subsequent Master's programmes at the University of Groningen.
The association pursues three objectives. The first objective is that it wants to contribute to the broadening of the scientific education of its members. This is done by organizing various activities in the scientific field, such as study excursions, lectures and symposiums.

aan het woord: studenten en docenten

Veerle Meulenaar
There is so much to discover

Oh so you know my star sign? Am I a moon rising? Jokes like that would often be made when answering the question “what do you study?”. After the difference between astrology and astronomy has been established, I often describe astronomy as the mathematics and physics of the universe (plus loads of programming). Many things interest me. So until the last moment I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to study. But now that I am here, I enjoy every bit of it. Lots of people around me had their 5-year plan for their future set out and knew what they wanted to study for years...
I encourage you to choose something you really like and are willing to work hard for. That moment when you have been working on something for a bit and suddenly grasp it, it clicks, and you fully start to understand something, is the most amazing feeling. Whether that is in a lecture, a tutorial, or working at home, really starting to understand these remarkable subjects is what I like the most. Which isn’t that surprising since the only reason I chose to study astronomy is because I find it highly interesting. There is so much to discover and so many unexplored wonders are lying in the silent dark space soup. Even though the study has a lot of contact hours, with good time management I am still able to do other activities next to my studies; I play the cello, do competitive rowing, am the chair of the faculty council, and lastly I am part of the astronomy team. For anyone that is considering studying astronomy: the study is objectively hard. It consists of a lot of programming, mathematics, and physics. It’s not a romantic image of stargazing and looking through a telescope, sadly enough.

lees verder ...
Niall Foley
Every day something new and exciting

Ever since I was little, I had a fascination for the world around me and for everything beyond it. In secondary school, I enjoyed physics, mathematics, and chemistry, so it was clear to me that I wanted to find a degree programme related to at least one of those three subjects. What's more, I wanted to follow a degree programme taught in English.

At the annual Student Fair in Luxembourg, I came across a University of Groningen brochure and realized quite quickly that this would be my city of choice. Initially, I was unsure whether I should choose Physics or Astronomy...
Of course, the programme is challenging at times, but for me that is an extra stimulus to do my best.Aside from my studies, I do competitive running (mid- and long-distance). When choosing the city that I wanted to study in, it was important for me to be able to continue my running. I find having a good work-life balance essential and for me, running and studying have to go hand-in-hand. I am glad to say that I have achieved this balance here in Groningen. I am also part of the Sirius A study association. After missing out on many social aspects of student life last year due to the coronavirus pandemic, I am very eager to spend more time with other Astronomy students and to make new friends.
When it comes to my future, I am yet not focusing on a specific path, as I am open to any opportunity that may present itself. I could actually see myself occupying a teaching position either at a secondary school or even a university later in life. But firstly, I can say that after obtaining my Bachelor’s degree in Astronomy, I will stay here in Groningen for my Master’s degree.

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Grigore-Leon Rațiu
Fascinated by the Universe

My name is Grigore-Leon Rațiu. I grew up in a town on the coast of the Black Sea, Constanța, in Romania. I have always wanted to study Astronomy and Physics.Wait, I'm actually spinning things around: I've always wanted to study Physics, but I have also always been fascinated by the Universe. A natural consequence of being interested in physics. The University of Groningen has given me the opportunity to study both degree programmes simultaneously...
It's nice to bike through, quiet outside of the city center, very clean, and safe!

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Jasper Pluijmers
werkzaam als Software engineer
There's plenty to discover and develop, and that's what I find most important in a job

After obtaining Bachelor's degrees in Physics and Astronomy, I thought I wanted to become a researcher but, during my Master's, I decided to look beyond the academic world. I still find astronomy and physics very fascinating topics. It's exciting to study the world and the universe. Someone from the company Nedap came to hold a talk for my study association and I ended up doing a traineeship with them. They gave me further training to become a software engineer.

Nedap works on technological solutions for various markets...
These tags work through small antennas and chips that are worked into every piece of clothing. Each piece of clothing has a unique number that can also be used for inventory management and data analysis.I work on the software for these tags and the corresponding anti-theft gates, which actually has a lot more to do with physics and astronomy than you might think because this software uses radio antennas. We might not be picking up signals from light years away but many principles are the same. What I like about this work is the fact that it’s useful and can be used in the real world. There’s plenty to discover and develop, and that’s what I find most important in a job.My tip for prospective students: make sure to go on company visits. Many companies are looking for science graduates but they don’t always know how to get in touch with you. So, if you see an interesting company, just give them a call and I’m sure you’ll be invited to come around for a chat.

lees verder ...
Pieter van Dokkum
werkzaam als astronomer, professor bij Yale University
The work I do now isn't vastly different from the studies I did at Groningen

After my Bachelor's degree I worked for my PhD at Groningen and went on to a postdoc position in Los Angeles. I am now Professor of Astronomy at Yale University. I research the formation and evolution of galaxies. My degree prepared me perfectly for this job. The basic set-up of the work I do now isn't vastly different from the studies I did at Groningen.


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1/2 University of Groningen
€ 303 gemiddelde kamerhuur
43 eerstejaars
23% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
2/2 Leiden University
€ 350 gemiddelde kamerhuur
77 eerstejaars
36% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
40% Nederlandstalig
60% Engelstalig
disclaimer: bovenstaande cijfers en beoordelingen zijn aangeleverd door de opleidingen zelf. Wij kunnen de juistheid niet garanderen.

Na de studie

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Beroepsperspectief / arbeidsmarkt

Every year we are pleased to be able to report that Astronomy graduates have no problem finding a job. They find jobs in astronomy, but just as easily in the business sector – both within and outside the Netherlands. Depending on which Master's specialization you choose, - Research, technology, advising - there are many career paths open to you!

Continue with astronomy research

As a PhD student you will spend four years carrying out research with professors in a particular field. You then write a thesis, which will earn you the title of Doctor.

Interested in the technology of astronomy?

The degree will qualify you for positions in companies that develop advanced technologies for satellites and telescopes. Many of the techniques you learn as an astronomer are also very useful in other disciplines. The newest medical scanners for example, contain technical advancements originally developed for telescopes.

Excellent career opportunities in the business sector

Astronomers have strong analytical abilities, and are able to solve complicated problems. You will therefore be highly employable in areas where strategy, risk assessment and models are important. A large number of graduates therefore find work with large international companies, software firms and large financial institutions.

aansluitende masteropleidingen

Delft University of TechnologyAerospace Engineeringgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenApplied Physics+ 30 EC pre-master
Delft University of TechnologyApplied Physics+ cijfergemiddelde
University of GroningenArtificial Intelligence+ 60 EC pre-master
Leiden UniversityAstronomy+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenAstronomygeen aanvullende eisen
Leiden UniversityAstronomy and Business Studies+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenEconometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Studies+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenEducatie en Communicatie in de Bètawetenschappen full-time,part-time educational+ aanv. eisen
University of TwenteEducatie in de Bètawetenschappen full-time,part-time+ 6 EC pre-master
University of GroningenEnergy and Environmental Sciencesgeen aanvullende eisen
Utrecht UniversityHistory and Philosophy of Science researchgeen aanvullende eisen
Leiden UniversityLeraar VHO in Natuurkunde educational+ 60 EC pre-master
Leiden UniversityLeraar VHO in Wiskunde educational+ 72 EC pre-master
Utrecht UniversityLeraar VHO natuurkunde full-time,part-time educational+ 60 EC pre-master
Utrecht UniversityLeraar VHO wiskunde (1 jarig) educational+ 72 EC pre-master
University of AmsterdamLerarenopleiding Natuurkunde part-time educational+ 60 EC pre-master
University of AmsterdamLerarenopleiding Wiskunde educational+ 72 EC pre-master
University of GroningenPhysics+ 15 EC pre-master
Radboud University NijmegenPhysics and Astronomy+ aanv. eisen
VU University AmsterdamPhysics and Astronomy (joint degree)geen aanvullende eisen
University of AmsterdamAdvanced Matter and Energy Physics+ aanv. eisen
University of AmsterdamAstronomy and Astrophysicsgeen aanvullende eisen
University of AmsterdamBiophysics and Biophotonics+ aanv. eisen
University of AmsterdamGravitation, Astro- and Particle Physics Amsterdam+ aanv. eisen
University of AmsterdamTheoretical Physics+ aanv. eisen
Eindhoven University of TechnologyLeraar VHO Natuurkunde educationalgeen aanvullende eisen
Delft University of TechnologyLeraar VHO Natuurkunde educational+ toelatingsgesprek
Eindhoven University of TechnologyLeraar VHO Wiskunde educational+ 12 EC pre-master
Delft University of TechnologyLeraar VHO Wiskunde educational+ 12 EC pre-master
Radboud University NijmegenScience in Society+ aanv. eisen
Delft University of TechnologySustainable Energy Technology (4TU)+ aanv. eisen
University of GroningenSystems and Controlgeen aanvullende eisen
University of GroningenWerktuigbouwkunde+ basiskennis

Potentiële beroepen

technisch innovateur
bron: StudieData


Ask Our Students!

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Academic Advisors FSE

For questions regarding the programme Study Science

For general questions for all prospective students

Meer informatie?
Bezoek de website van deze opleiding.

open_in_newstudy website